Volume 57, Page 475 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1669. 475 and every of them by these prsents, That the said John Rawlings LiberJJ his Heires & Assignes shall & will from time to time and at all times hereafter during the space of seaven yeares upon any lawfull demand and Request and at the Proper Costs & Charges in the law of him the said Richard Keen his heires or Assignes make doe acknowledge and Execute or Suffer or cause to be made done acknowledged Executed or Suffered all & euery such further and other lawfull Act and Acts Deuice & Devices Conveyance and Conveyances & assureances in the law whatsoeuer for the better asureing and Sure makeing of all and Singuler the aboue Granted premisses to the said Richard Keen his heires & assignes for ever Be it by Inrollment of these prsents fyne feoffement or otherwise or by any such law full wayes or meanes as by him the said Richard Keen his his heires or Assignes his or theire Councill Learned in the law Shalbe reasonably devised advised or [p. 26] Required In Wittnes whereof the said John Rawlings to these prsents hath hereunto sett his hand and Seahe the day & yeare first aboue written John Rawlings (sealed) Signed Sealed & Deliuered in the prsents of us John Brooke John Cracroft Upon the back side of the foregoeing Conveyance it was thus writ- ten vizt. Memorandum that upon the Sixth day of December in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six hundred Sixty nine quiett and peace- able possession & Seizin of the wthin menshoned Land premisses & appurtenances by the wthin named John Rawlings to the within Men- coned Richard Keen was given & Deliuered according to the tennor purposs & true meaning of the deed within Written In the prsents of us John Rawlings Peter Harrison his B Signe Ralph Wells Benjamin Gamlys David LoydJohn Patricke John Wilison Decembr the 16th 1669 The foregoing Conveyance was by the said John Rawlings Ac- knowledged in open Court to be his Act & Deed Know all men by these prsents That I Pilladelfia Rawllings Doe Constitut and Ordaine my Well beloued friend Mr William Standley to be my true & law full Attorney to Confirme & Acknowledge the Saile of the Land my husband John Rawlings sould to Richard Keen Called Sta fords Freehold and what my Attourney doth for me & in my name according to Law I here bind my selfe to allow of to be in as full force & power as if I my self e were at prsent and for the true |
Volume 57, Page 475 View pdf image (33K) |
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