Volume 57, Page 468 View pdf image (33K) |
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468 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1669. Liber JJ Surveyes that he the said Phillip shall make, Resurveys, Running out of mens lines, laying out of mens bounds according to the limits of their Patents or the like, and for the other halfe he the said Phillipp is to be accomptable to me, or whome I shall appointe, once Every yeare at least, Given under my hand and seale this day the fourth day of January in the Eight and thirtieth yeare of the Dominion over the said Province Anno 1669. Jerome White Survr GenTtt Instructions given from Jerome White Esquire Surveyour Gen- erall of the Province of Maryland unto Phillip Shapleigh, one of his Deputy Surveyours In Somerset County, Dorset County, and to the Seabord side from a Creeke called the Hoorekill for his better Executing of his said Office in those Places. Imprimis That you see the Mannor reserved in Nantecoake lye- ing in Somerset County be not Surveyd for any person but for the Lord Proprietaryes, and to lay out one other Mannor within the said County for the said Lord Proprietary to conteine Six Thowsand acres of land at least, of best you can finde. 2: That you lay out for the Lord Proprietary a Mannor to con- teine Six Thowsand acres of the best land within the Creeke lying in Dorset County called Chicknacomacow otherwayes to be called Phillips Creeke, in the name of Phillip Calvert Chancelour of this Province. 3: That you Keepe that Reserve intire what hath beene already ordered and Recorded for the Lord Proprietary to the Seabord side that is Tenne miles from Mount Scarborough Northward by the water, and two miles into the woods and that you see their be layd out for the said Lord One other Mannor to the seaborde side, within the abovesaid limited bounds to conteine Six Thowsand acres at least of the best land. [p. 20] 4: That you doe not Survey from tyme to tyme any land Ex- cepted to the Lord Proprietary for any person whatsoever without Speciall warrant. 5: That you doe not allow by the water side above fifteene Perches breadth for Every fivety acres of land, provided the survey be for more then three hundred acres of land, but if three hundred or under then to allow five and Twenty Perches breadth for Every fivety acres of land, aliwayes provided that naturall Boundes or Swampes be not a hinderance. 6: That you lay out one other Mannor within somerset County upon the Ridge lyeing betweene Nantecoake River and Wickocomico River and in case the said Ridge should not prove good land then to seeke out some other place the best within the County, the said Mannor to conteine Six Thowsand acres at least. Articles of Agreement made and agreed upon betweene William Berry of the one part and Margaret Preston both of Patuxent River |
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Volume 57, Page 468 View pdf image (33K) |
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