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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1666. Liber FF Before John Ringgold had answered all the Interrogotorys The Court making inspeccon into the premisses which prou'd something difficult for the Court to understand the allegacons of either party, Whereuppon it was Ordered, That by the ueiw of a Jury of twelue men of the neighbourhood, and a surueyr they doe returne undr theire hands to the next Prouinall Court a suruey of Anto Purs and [p. 258] James Ringgolds lands now in dispute according to the bounds of each pattent And allsoe a plott of each suruey, The said lands to be laid out by a Chaine To the honble Charles Caluert Gouernor & Leiutennt Generall of the Prouince of maryland and to the Rest of his Honble Councell The humble petn of Thomas Hinson most humbly sheweth That neer about 7 yeares last past yor petr did make an agreemt mr Tho: Ringgold that the said mr Ringgold should suruey 6oo acres of land for yor petr and pattent it in his owne name, hee hauing 6oo more of his owne adjoyning unto it and afterwards to Assigne half e of the sd pattcnt unto yor petr hee paying the halfe of the Charge and returning the said mr Ringgold soe many rights againe, The which 6oo acres of yor petrs aforesaid was diuided and bounded by two markt trees, distinct from the said Mr Tho: Ring- golds and named by yor petr Huntingfeild, beginning att a small Creeke called Huntingfeild Creeke to this day, and is allsoe named in the Pattent But now soe it is, That the said Mr Ringgold doth refuse to make an Assignmt thereof Notwthstanding yor petr hath often demanded the same, and hath built & Cleer'd uppon the sd land The prmisses Considered yor petr humbly Craues That his witt- nesses may be sworne, who cann testifye the aforesaid Agreemt, and that he may haue prsent Order agst the said Mr Ringgold accord- ing to law and good Conscience Wth Cost of suite, And he shall pray &c [p. 259] Thomas Hinson plaintiffe The Defendts answere (uizt) The De- Thomas Ringgold defendt fendt pleads that the plaintiffe Claimes Six hundred acres of land beginning att the mouth of Huntingfeild Creeke and saith in his Declaracon that the defendt hath built and Cleered the said land which thing is not true, therefore the defendt prayes that the writt may abate and that the plaint pay Cost & damage for such unjust molestacon Vide those Interrogotorys entred in fo: 255 should haue been brought in here they belonging to this sute after which being sworne unto by South and James Ringgold, John Ringgold not answering them all, but onely this he said that he heard his father say, That mr Hinson should haue his Choice of 2600 acres |
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Volume 57, Page 44 View pdf image (33K) |
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