Volume 57, Page 417 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1668—69. 417 Elizabeth directed to the Sherriffe of Caluert County and that her Liber FF said Body hee haue att this Prouinall Court, which accordingly hee hath brought, Wherefore Ordred that she be remainded back to the said sherriffe and in his safe Custody to bee kept untill she shall haue fully sattis- fyed the plt what is required in the said Execucon Thomas Cooper the Admr of Jenifer p quer [p. 761] Tho: Freeman plaintiffe Wm King defendant morecroft p defendant The plt as Admr of the Goods & Chattles of Tho: Freeman decd sues the defendant In a plea of tresspass of the Case for Two Thow- sand Two hundred pounds of tobacco being for a man serut by the said Thomas Freeman to the said defendt sold and deliuered And the said William by John Morecroft his Attorny doth Come & defend the force and Injury when &c: And the said William saith that hee did not assume in manner and forme as the said Thomas agt hime hath Complained and of this hee puts himselfe upon the Country Jno Morecroft And the said Thomas likewise Dan: Jenifer Wherefore veniri issued to the sherriffe to sumons twelue &c: The sherriffe returnes a pannell (uizt) Foreman Mr Humphery Nathaniell Burroughs Luke Gardner Warren Thomas Studd Tho: Sampson Toby Wells Thomas Bowdle Nico Carre Tho: Backer Marke Pheypo Henry Hyde John Auery The Jury being Called and answering all to theire names were sworne to try the issue aforesaid as alsoe the issue depending be- tweene Richd Attkins plt and Richard Baley defendt as followeth Richard Attkins plaintiffe Jenifer p quer. Richard Bayley defendt Morecroft deft ‘I'he plt sues the defendt in a plea that hee render him Fiue Thow- sand Fiue hundred pounds of tobacco hee oweth and unjustly detaines &c: And the said Richard Bayley by Jno Morecroft his Attorny doth Come & defend the force & Injury when &c: and saith that bee paid the said Fiue Thowsand Fiue hundred seauenty foure pounds of tobaccoe to him the said Richard Attkins at the day in the said bill expressed and of this hee prayeth that it may bee enquired by the Country John Morecroft And the said Richd Attkins likewise Dan: Jenifer |
Volume 57, Page 417 View pdf image (33K) |
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