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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1666. 41 tobaccoe hhds And hath allsoe proceeded further to diuide yor petrs Liber FF land by Certaine trees bounded and lines drawne in survey to yor petitionrs great damage, and yet the said Purs was knowing tht by his Pattent hee had noe land there, and when yor petr saw his trees cutt and marked as aforesaid, did then take a Compass and runn the lines of the land, according to the grant of his lordp by Pattent, and found the said Purs a Tresspasser as aforesaid, and for better Cer- tainty did fetch Henry Parker Deputy surueyr who did runn the said bounds aforenamed, and then yor petr did warne the said Anthony Purs to depart off the said land and deliuer possession which he did refuse The prmisses Considered yor petr Humbly Craues that this Honble Court will be pleased to grant Order that the said Anthony Purs deliuer possession and depart off according to law in such Cases pro- uided, wth Cost of suite and dammage, as yor Honnors shall thinke Fitt, And yor petr shall as in duty bound pray Know all men by these prsents That I Tho: Ringould of the [p.254] County of Kent in the Prouince of Maryland gent haue Assigned Ordeyned & made and in my stead & place put & Constituted my trusty and well beloued sonn James Ringould to be my true & law- full Attorney for mee and in my name & to my use to Sue Arrest Implead Imprison any prson or prsons whatsoeuer that shall haue any accon or Accons whatsoeuer agt mee the said Thomas Ringould att the next Prouinall Court ensueing the date hereof or att any time hereafter, giuing & granting unto my said Attorney by the Tenor of these prsents my full power strength and Authority in and about the premisses, to prosecute and Answere all such prson and prsons as shall haue any accon or accons as aforesaid and to recouer damages acquittances or other discharges for mee and in my name to make seale & deliuer and all and euery other Act and Acts thing & thinges whatsoeuer deuice and deuices in the law need- full & necessary to be done in and about the premisses and like- wise to sue for leuy require recouer & receiue of all and euery person and persons wtsoeuer, and all & euery such debts and sumes of money as are now due and oweing unto mee by any manner of wayes or meanes or which att any day or dayes time or times here- after shall be due & owing unto mee by any meanes or wayes wtsoeuer, Impowring my said Attorney One or more Attorney or Attorneys to Constitute and make, and againe to reuoke att his plea- sure for the recouery of any suite damage debts sume and sumes of money as aforesaid, for mee and in my name to doe Execute and prforme as fully largely & amply in euery respect to all intents Construccons & purposes as I my selfe could or might doe, if I were prsonally prsent, rattifying allowing and houlding firme and stable all and whatsoeuer my said Attorney shall lawfully doe or Cause to be done in or about the Execucon of the same by uertue of these [p. 2551 |
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Volume 57, Page 41 View pdf image (33K) |
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