Volume 57, Page 392 View pdf image (33K) |
392 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1668. Liber FF The aforegoing Deed with the Land and Premisses therein menconed was in Open Court on the Fourteenth Day of December One thou- sand six hundred sixty eight acknowledged by John Grammer and Elizabeth his wife to be the Right of the above named William Meares and his heires forever Daniel Jenifer Know all men by theis pnts that I John Grammer of the County of Calüt in the province of Maryland planter am holden and firmly bounden unto William Meares of the same County mchant the full & Just summe of one hundred pounds of good & lawfull mony of Eng- [p. 703] land to be paid to the said William Meares or to his certeyne Attorny his executors Administrators or assignes To the which paymt well and truly to be made I bind myselfe my heires executors & Adminis- trators firmly by theis presents Sealed with my Seale and Dated the Eleaventh day of December in the Seaven & thirtyeth yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c annop domini One thousand six hundred sixty and eight The Condicon of this Obligacon is such that if the above bound John Gramm his heires Executors or Administrators shall for his and their parts well and truly hold Observe performe fullfill and Keepe all and Singuler the Covenants Grants Articles and Agreements wch on the part and behalfe of the said John Grammer are to be holden Observed performed fuilfilled done and kept Conteyned & Specifyed in a cteyne paire of Indentures bearing date the Date of the Date hereof made betweene the said John Grammer of the one part and the above named William Meares of the other part That then this Obli- gacon to be voyd and of none Effect or else to stand in full Force and vertue John Grammer Signed Sealed & deliued (Seale) in the pnce of Richard Moy Hugh Stanley [p. 704] The aforegoing Instrument was on the fourteenth day of december one thousand six hundred sixty eight by the above bounden John Grammer acknowledged in Open Court Court to the use of the above named William Meares Daniel Jenif'r To the Right Honble Charles Calvert Esqr Leivtennt Generll Cheife Governor and Cheife Justice of the Province of Maryland The humble Peticon of Henry Stockett Most humbly sheweth That whereas one John Hatton late of Ann Arrundell County mcht Decd the Assignee of James Rigby in Ann Arrundell County afore- said Dyed a Batchelor about Six yeares Since and then possest of a certeyne parcell of land purchased of the said Rigby conteyning by Survey foure hundred acres of land lying on the west side of Chese- [p. 7051 piake bay and on the North side of a creeke in the said bay called |
Volume 57, Page 392 View pdf image (33K) |
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