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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 38   View pdf image (33K)
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              38        Provincial Court Proceedings, 1666.

       Liber FF    petr Enters his accon Crauing an Order agst the said Staple fort for
              the paymt of the said sumes wth Cost of suite And he shall pray

         [p. 249] Mr Spriggs fees for searching and finding out the Goods 20 lb St
                tenn p Cent is                           er
               Mr Brooks Fees for receiuing them from
                W Sprigge allsoe 10 p Cent          20
                                                    40 lb Ster
               2200: f or 11 months store howse roome att both the sherriffes howses
                att 200 lb tob p month
               [blank] for the Clarks Fees of all wittnesses issued forth concerning
                this suite
               120 for Attorneys Fees 2 Courts
                  for Francis Meggs and Thomas Boulstons time, being Car-
              1800 penters and come purposely from Choptanck & were a full
                  month before they could returne thether again is betweene them
                  both 6o dayes at 30 lb p die
                1470 for 7 other wittnesses att 7 dayes for each is 49 dayes att 30lb
                 p die

                420 John Bayleys attendance 2 Courts is 14 dayes att 30 lb p

                90 for sherriffs Fees of summoning 2 wittnesses

                840 for 42 Ells of Canuas wanting according to Inuoyces at 20 lb
                360 for 3 white Ruggs & 3 paire of wadmell stockins alsoe wanting

              John Bayley plaintiffe     .
                  d            The deft puts in his answere (uizt)
              Reym Staple fort defend j
                The Plea & demurrer of Reymond Staplefort deft: to the deciara-
              con of Jn0 Bayley plt:
                The said defendt prayeth Judgmt of the said declaracon for that
              he saith that the same declaracon & the matter in the same Con-
              teyned is not sufficient in law to Charge the said defendt Reymound
              wth the Charges dathages and Expences in the same specifyed by
              hime the said John Bayley demanded, and that he hath noe need
              neither is bound by the law of the land to answere to the said dccla
       [p. 250]    racon nor the matter therein Contained And this hee is ready to
              auerre whereupon or want of sufficient matter in the said declaracon
              Conteyned the said Reymond prayeth Judgmt of that Declaracon &c:

                The Board Considering the accon, it being wrong laid and stated
              dismisseth the Cause and granteth the defendt a nonsuite, wth the
              Charges following
                   Nonsuite                   150
                   2 dayes attendance         60 300 lb tob:
                   2 dayes coming & goeing   60
                   Attorney Fee               6o

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 38   View pdf image (33K)
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