Volume 57, Page 368 View pdf image (33K) |
368 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1668. Liber FF the ire names And the foreman delieured into Court theire Verdict as followeth (uizt) The Jury hauing Examined the papers doe finde Nine Thowsand thirety Six pounds of tobacco due to the plt: and soe they all said The defendt still alleadgeth that she hath fully Administred and paid beyound Assetts Whereupon the Court doth Examine the defendts Accompt which she allready deliuered into Court upon the said Estate of Thomas Leitchworth of wch Admcon to her was Com- mitted And upon Examinaëon of the same doe finde that she hath charg'd herselfe the Inuentory of the said Estate wth amounts unto the Sume of Thireteen Thowsand Eighte hundred twenty three pounds of tobacco out of wch and upon due regulacon made by the Court of her said Accompt she is allowed out of the same the sume of Sixteen hundred & Sixteen pounds of tobacco and noe more as p perticulers may more att large appeare, soe that the Accomptant stands Charg'd upon her said Accompt the full sume of Twelue Thousand Two hundred and seauen pounds of tobb:: The defendant doth humbly Craue time to moue in Arrest of Judg- ment which is granted them untill tommorow morning John Greer and his wife besuthoned as wittnesses on behalf of the Lord Proprietary to testify agt James Godsgrace and his wife, also being bound by Bond for theire appearance the wch is made, Ordered they be quitted there from [p. 669] John Stanesby plaintiff morecroft quer Peter Sharpe defendt Jenifer p defent The plt sues the defendant in a plea of tresspass the Case for keeping and detaining his serut by name John Corbett Contrary to the forme and Effect of diuers Acts of Assembly in that Case made and prouided, The defendt puts in his plea as followeth And the said Peter by Daniel Jenifer his Attorny Comes & defends the force & Injury when &c: and saith that hee is in noe wise Guilty of the prmisses as in the plaintiffs declaracon is alleadged and of this hee Craues Judgmt of the Court if the said John his accon agt him ought to haue & the sd Jno likewise Jenifer The plt declares to the Court that the said John Corbett did become his Seruant for two yeares by Ordr of this Court uide fo: 465: uizt that the plt was to take into Cure the said Corbett of a distemper that then hung upon him in sattisfaccon whereof the said Corbett was to serue him two yeares or pay him Two Thowsand pounds of tobaccoe which said Corbett the plt not taking into Care but two months being past after the sd order of Court and hee in a languishing Condicon, did apply himself e unto the defendt for help |
Volume 57, Page 368 View pdf image (33K) |
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