Volume 57, Page 36 View pdf image (33K) |
36 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1666. Liber FF The Board well weighing All depositiones now taken and more especially the abouesd Bill, it imploying more terme of time then one yeare, did Judge the deft lyable either to signe and passe those other six bills which was to Compleate the seauen yeares, or sattisfye the plt: all dathages by him susteyned therein or in and about the land & plantacon which of the deft was demanded, who replyed bee would sattisfye the damages when proued [p. 2461 Whereupon Ordered that a writt of Inquiry of damages for a Jury of 12 men of the neighbourhood thereabouts doe issue to the sherriffe of St Marys County them to impannell & make returne of theire Verdict the next Prouinall Court The Court adjournes till one of the Clock in the afternoone All mett in the Afternoone as before The Honble Board then taking next into Consideracon the Bussi- ness of Hannah Price, who was called & appeared, and Jone Neuill summoned as a wittness to testifye on behalfe of the Lord Propr agst the said Hannah Price being allsoe Call'd but nop appearance made The sherriffe of Charles County declares that the said Neuill was legally sumoned Whereupon Ordered that the said Jone Neuill doe sattisfye to his lordp flue hundred pounds of tobaccoe for her non- appearance according to summons, and Contrary to that law in such Cases prouided To the Honble Gouernor & Councell The humble pet” of John Bayley Sheweth That whereas in the yeare 1662 Hee did wth Reymond Staplefort in partnership purchase a plantacon of Wm Jones, called by the name of Talorhy in petuxent riuer the howses and all appurtenances thereunto belonging, and allsoe in Joynt stock hath put for the manag- ing of the said plantacon seruants Cattle sheepe and Hoggs and hous- hould stuff, And yor petr hath allsoe wth the said Staplefort in part- nershipe One Vessell named the Prouidence for both which yor petr [p. 247] hath been at great disbursmts Now soe it is that your petr for diuers Causes mouing him thereunto, doth not finde it Conuenient to Con- tinue any longer in that Estate, & therefore did desire the said Staple- fort to come to a diuisione soe that each person might know his owne the which the sd Staplefort refuseth, and as yor petr conceiues on purpose to defraud him of his Just right, Therefore yor petr Craueth Ordr for a writt of diuision wth Cost of Suite and as in duty bound shall euer pray &c John Bayley plaintiffe iThe deft put's in his answere to the for- Reymd Staplefort defendt goeing declaracon The Plea of Reymond Staple fort to the Declaracon of John Bayley plaintiffe |
Volume 57, Page 36 View pdf image (33K) |
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