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- Provincial Court Proceedings, 1666. 33 required would signe sea!e & deliuer the said seauen seuerall bills Liber FF for the said Fine thowsand pounds of tobacco and Caske yearely rent payable to the said Thomas Gerrard in manner & forme a fore- said and allsoe to signe seale and deliuer to the said Thomas Gerrard a Counterpart of a lease to be made by the said Gerrard to him the sd Boreman conteyning all and euery the said Couenants and Reserua- eons as is abouesaid when thereunto Required, Into which tract of [p.241] land the sd Boreman hath Entred & taken the proffitts thereof notwith- standing wch the said Boreman his promise not regarding but intend- ing deceitfully to defraud the said Gerrard the said Counterpart of the said lease and the said seauen seuerall bills for the said seauen seuenall respectiue yeares rent of Fine thowsand pounds of tobaccoe & Caske hath refused to signe seale & deliuer Contrary to his promise & doth still refuse, to the damage of the said Thomas Gerrard Twenty Thowsand pounds of tobaccoe & Caske whereupon he bringeth his suite, And prayeth Ordr agst the said Boreman either to per forme his said promise or to sattis f ye his damage by breach of the sd promise susteyned Thomas Gerrard plt The de ft alleadgeth (by his Attorney Wil- William Boreman deft liam Caluert Esq that the declaracon (aboue written) was to him deliuered wth seuerall blancks therein, for the dates of some dayes, therefore pleads an uncertainty therein put to the uote wether sufficient to pass or not (Voted Good) it not touching the materiall part The deft desires a reference till next Court not being prouided wth an answere looking upon the uncertainty of the said declaracon Which by the Board would not be allowed that being not cause enough shewne for it. The deft then puts in his answere (uizt) That he did not assume in manner & forme as in the declaracon is alleadg'd The plt: produc'd his wittnesses for proue (uizt) Robt Slye aged 38 yeares or thereabouts saith that sometime in July last being in Company wth Thomas Gerrard Esq and Capt william Boreman did heare the said partyes make a firme and possi- tiue agreement for Westwood Mannot house the Orchard and part of the land to the said mannot belonging together wth all Edifices [p. 2421 buildings pastures proffitts priuiledges wtsoeuer to the Mannot belong- ing, as allsoe for all such Cattle & Swine as were att that time belong- ing to the said Thomas Gerrard upon the said Mannot, and att the same time Capt Boreman was put by the said Gerrard in quiet & peceable possession of the said land that he had hired upon tht Man- nor the which tract wth all other the bargained prmisses, hee was to haue and to hold to himself e his heires Executors Administrators and Assignes from the 25th day of Decembt 1664 untill the full end of seauen yeares thence next Ensueing during wth terme Capt Boreman |
Volume 57, Page 33 View pdf image (33K) |
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