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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 222   View pdf image (33K)
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             222       Provincial Court Proceedings, 1667.

        Liber FF Thomas Gerard of the Province of Maryland Esq the within
        [P. 521] Donor or Feoffor did this foure and twentyeth day of January one
              thowsand six hundred sixty and two in manner and forme of law
              Deliver unto the within named Robert Slye Donee possession of the
              within menconed parcell of land pcell of land Together with all
              howses buildings or Edifices whatsoever there unto belonging and
              vested him in all the Priviledges benifitts and Commodityes within
              Expressed there unto Relateing by livery of Seizin by Tunic and
              twigg in presence of us the Subscribers hereunto and the same land
              in Manner and forme as is within conveyed he the said Thomas
              Gerrard did engage to warrant and Defend against all manner of
              persons for the only use behoofe & benifitt of him the aforesaid Slye
              and his heires for ever wittness our hands the day and yeare afore
              menconed                        Thoma Notley
                                              Justinian Gerard
                                              John Smith
              Intratu in Recordo Anno One thowsand Six hundd sixty foure
                                                  Walter Hall

               This Indenture made the Two and twentyeth of March One thow-
              sand six hundred sixty and Six in the Nineteenth yeare of the Reigne
              of our Soveraigne lord Charles &c: and in the five and thirtyeth
              ycare of the Dominion of Caecilius lord Baltemore lord and Pro-
        [p. 522]  prietary of the Province of Maryland By and betweene Thomas Ger-
              rard of Westermerland in the Colony of virginia Esq of the one
              parte and Robert Slye in the County of St Maryes in the Province
              of Maryland mcht of the other part wittnesseth That the said Thomas
              Gerrard for & in consideracon of a certeine valuable satisfaccon unto
              him the sayd Thomas Gerrard att and before the Sealing & deliuy of
              theis presents by the said Robert Slye well & truly made the receipt
              whereof the said Thomas Gerrard doth hereby acknowledge and
              himselfe therewith fully satisfyed and payd and thereof and of every
              part and parceil thereof doth fully cleerly and absolutely give grant
              bargaine Sell Alyen assigne Transferr Enfeoffe & confirme unto the
              said Robert Slye his heires and Executors & Administrators for ever
              by theis puts hath Given granted aliened bargayned sold assigned
              transferred Enfeoffed & confirmed and by theis pnts doth fully clearly
              and absolutely Give grant bargaine Sell alien assigne Transferr En-
              feoffe & confirme unto the sayd Slye his heires and assignes for ever
              all that parcel or Tract of land lying Scituate and being in the County
              aforesaid being part and parcell of the Mannor of St Clements com-
              monly knowne by the name of Rich Necke being bounded as follow-
              eth (To say) beginning at a red oake Marked with nine Notches
              standing att the lower end of Mayden Swamp on the west side
              thereof neere the back creeke that Runneth up betweene Matapony
              and the Nccke where Richard Foster now liveth from the said

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 222   View pdf image (33K)
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