Volume 57, Page 216 View pdf image (33K) |
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216 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1667. Liber FF what person or persons soeuer whome I shall like of or think fitt, Except I shall dispose of the same Otherwise in my life, I doe allsoe by these prsents Giue Grant and Confirme unto my three Children [p. 514] (uizt) James Mary and Elizabeth Mullikin Six Cowes which I now possess wth all the female Encrease that they shall bring untill my said Children shall arriue att theme seuenall and respectiue ages then to be equally diuided amongst them, that is to say, my sonn James to enjoy his pant at Eighteen yeares of age, That is if I liue not till hee shall arriue att the said age Otherwise not to enjoy the same untill hee be of the age of One and twenty yeares as aforesaid, my Daughters Mary and Elizabeth Mullikin to enjoy their and either of their partes of the said Six Cowes and theire female Encrease when they and either of them shall arriue att the age of Sixteen yeares, that is if I shall dye before they arriue to the said age of sixteen yeares, Otherwise their said Seuerall partes to be wholely att my clisposall and if either of my said three Children James Mary or Elizabeth Mullikin, shall dye before they shall arriue att theire or either of theire respectiue and seuerall ages before menconed, then his her or theire part or partes of the said Cattle to goe unto the suruiuor or suruiuors, Lastly I doe hereby giue grant and Confirme unto all my said Fowre Children the remaindr of all and singuler my Goods howsehould stuff Apparell Utensils Brass Pewter Bedding and all other my substance whatsoeuer that is or may be Called moueables quick and dead of what kinde nature quality or Condicon soeuer the same are or be and in wt place or places soeucr the same be shall or may be found as well in my owne Custody or possession as in the possession hands power and Custody of any other person or persons wtsoeuer The said James Mary and Elizabeth Mullikin and John Demaall to haue possess and Enjoy all and singular the said Goods and all other the aforesaid prmisses after my decease and not before then equally to be diuided amongst my said Fowre Children, but if either of them shall dye before my decease, then the suruiuors to enjoy his her or theire part or partes soe deceased In wittnes whereof I the said Mary Mullikin haue to these prsents sett my hand and Seale this 28th day of Octobt in the 36th yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius ouer this prouince of maryland Annoq Domini 1667 Mary Mullikin (sealed) before the signing and sealing hereof was enterlined in the 32th line the word (other) and in the 60th line these words (the remainder of) Signed Sealed and deliuered in the Prsence of Us the marke of James W Williams John Blomfeild Daniel Jeni fer Edwd Sauage The foregoeing deed of Gift was brought into the office and re- quested it may be Recorded at the instance of Mary Mullikin and presence of James williamsPr Mee Dan: Jenifer |
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Volume 57, Page 216 View pdf image (33K) |
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