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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 186   View pdf image (33K)
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             186        Provincial Court Proceedings, 1667.

       Liber FF whereupon the Master Sold him two pipes of wine & further saith not
              Sworne in Open Court the           Samuell Line
                13th Day of Aprill 1667

                          Philip Calvert

                I do hereby appoint John England and Robert Tylor appraisors
         [p.471] of the Katch Hope lately condempned as forfeited upon the acts
              of Parliamt for encouragemt of Trade and increase of Shipping
              Given under my hand this Twelfth of Aprill 1667
                                                 Philip Calvert
                Memorand the said Appraisers were imediately sworne before me
                                                 Philip Calvert
                Wee the two Praysers John England and Robt Tylor doe and have
              Appraysed the Ketch within named & all her Materiall at Fifty pounds
              Sterling Wittnes our hands this Thirteenth of Aprill 1667
                                                 John England
                                                 Robert Tyler

                Bee it knowne unto all men by theis presents That wee Thomas
              Burch of the Clifts in the County of Calvert planter and William
              Worgen of the same place & County Carpenter doe owe & stand
              indebted Joyntly & severally unto John Thormer of the Clifts in
              the County of Calvert plantor his heires or assignes the full & Just
              Sume of one hundred thousand pounds of good well condiconed
              sound large bright tobacco & caske the caske not tearing above
              Seventy pound to be paid on the tenth of October next ensueing
              the date hereof att the late Dwelling howse of the sd Thurmer
              Scituate on the Clifts or any other place tht he or his assignes shall
              life of, of the best of their Crop & none to be paid away till the sd
              Thurmer be paid & for the true performance hereof Wee do bind our
              selves Joyntly & seually & either of us our heires Executors Admrs
              and assignes Crop & Crops firmly by theis presents In wittnes here-
              unto wee have sett our hands & seales this Eight Day of December
              One thowsand six hundred Sixty and Sixe
       [p.472] The Condicon of this Obligacon is such That if the above bound
              Thomas Burch & William Worgen or either of them their heires Ex-
              ecutors admrs or assignes Doe well & truly pay or cause to be paid
              unto John Thermer his heires or assignes the Just Sume of fifty
              thowsand pounds of good Sound bright & large well condiconed
              tobacco & caske the caske not taring above Seventy pounds the said
              Tobacco to be paid at the late dwelling howse of the aforesd Thermer
              Scituate on the Clifts or any other place tht he the sd Thermer or
              his assignes shall like of & none of the Crop to be payd away till he
              the said Thermer of the best of their Crop the sd fifty thowsand
              pounds of tobacco to be payd at Six Severall paymts in Manner &

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 186   View pdf image (33K)
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