Volume 57, Page 120 View pdf image (33K) |
120 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1666. Liber FF Reymond Staple fort plt sherriffe of Cal uert County returnes his John Bayley de fendt writt agt the deft Non est Inuentus—Wher- upon the ptt craues writt of Attachmt agt the Estate of the deft, which by Order of Court is allowed him John Hunt CompttThe defendts craues an imparleance John Barnes Francis Bellass to next Prouinall Court, which was and Henry Parker defendants granted and further agreed by both John Morecroft p quer parties that a dedimus Potestatim Daniel Jenifer p deft issue to take the defendts answers to the said bill of Complaint, Wherupon Ordred that a dedimus Potestatem issue to Wm Coursey and Richard Wooliman gent to take the Answers of the said defendts upon Oath to the said Bill and to returne the same to the next Prouinall Court sherriffe of St Maries County makes returne of his proseedings upon the Proclamacon by him published concerning the taking out of Pattents upon lands yet unpattented Comma of Somersett County makes their returne upon the saide Proclamacon Ordred the rest of the sherriffes of the other Countyes doe make each their returnes of the said Proclamacon the last day of the Court Morecroft agt The pltf requires speciall Bayle of the defendt Wm Champe fCaluert Esp and Daniel Jenifer then came and ten- der'd themselues who were accepted, therupon gaue speciall Bayle to answer the accon of the plt agt the defendt and to stand to the Con- demnacon or render the Body of the said Champ to Prison Court adjourn'd till 9 of the clock tomorrow morning [p.384]The Justices all mett as yesterday being the 17th October Philip Caluert Esq plt sherriffe returnes his writt that he hath Sath: Prickloe deft taken the Body of the deft &c but no ap- John Morecroft p quer : pearance by him made wherfore Procla- macon made that except the deft appeare by the last day of the Court the sherriffe to be amerced Fowrty shillings Wm Smyth plt sherriffe of Ann Arrundell County returnes his Peter Jones deft writt thus: Non erit Captus Wm Burgess plaintiffe sherriffe of Ann Arrundell County not hau- Ann Couill defendant ing returned his writt being ill in body Or- Daniel Jenifer p quer dred it be resplted till the last day of the John Morecroft p deft Court The Court adjournes for 2 houres All mett as in the forenoon |
Volume 57, Page 120 View pdf image (33K) |
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