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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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             12        Provinciai Court Proceedings, 1665—66.

       Liber FF    Prouinall Court then next ensueing held att St Marys in Our sd Prou-
              ince on the 5th day of January in the yeare of Our Lord 1665 the
              said informacon cause to bee Exhibited and upon hearing of all
              partyes as well on the behalfe of the said ship and Owners as of
              the Informer, And ueiwing Well the lawes in such Cases made &
              prouided and all Euidences thereunto relatinge The ship aforesaid
              wth all her tackle furniture Amunicon and Apparell, Our Judges of
              Our said Court did finde prizable & Condemnable and then and there
              according to law, her the said shipe did Condemn as forfeited to Us
        [p.210]    by Our Royall Priuiiedges of Our said Prouince By uertue of which
              Judgmt and Condemnacon Wee the said ship haueing seized into or
              handes now riding att Anchor in St Marys riuer in Our said Prouince
                Wee therefore hauing of Isaack Bedloe Merchant free Dennizen
              and Inhabitant of Our said Prouince, a ualuable Consideracon all-
              ready receiued before Out publicacon or Ensealing hereof hauing

              giuen granted bargained and sold, and by these prsents doe giue
          grant Bargaine and sell deliuer and Confirme unto the sd Isaack
          Bedloe the said ship Called the Hopewell of Kingsale in the King-
          dom Qf Ireland, Burden Fourty tunn or thereabouts wth all and all
          manner of Masts yards ropes tacklings and Apparell whatsoeuer
          belonging or in any wise appertaining; To haue and to hould the
          said ship and all other and singuler the said prmisses hereby Bar-
          gained & sold or menconed to be sold and euery part or parcell
          thereof wth the appurtenances unto the said Isaack Bedloe his Execu-
          tors Administrators or Assignes to his or their owne proper use &
          behoofe for Euer And wee doe hereby for our selues our heires and
          successors as his or their proper goods and Chattles, Doe Couenant
          promise and agree too and wth the said Isaack Bedlo his Executors
          Admrs or Assignes by these prsents, that on the day of the date
          hereof and att the time of the deliuery hereof, Wee haue full power
          law full right and Authority to giue grant bargaine sell and deliuer
          and Confirme the said ship & prmisses hereby bargained and sold
          unto the said Isaack Bedlo his Executors Administrators or Assignes
          in manner and forme aforesaid, and that Wee Our heires and susses-
          [p.211] sors will warrant acquitt And saue harmless the said Isaack Bedlo
              his Executors Administrators or Assignes of and from all prsons
              whatsoeuer the damage of the seas fire Enemyes men of warre
              Restraint of Princes States & Magestrates only excepted. Giuen at
              St Marys undr or greate Seale of Our said Prouince of Maryland this
              first day of March in the four & thiretyth yeare of Our Dominion
              ouer Our said Prouince of Maryland annoq Domini One thowsand
              six hundred sixty & flue Wittnes Our deare sonn and heire Charles
              Caluert Escp Our Leiutennt Generall of our said prouince of Maryland
                                          Signed Charles Caluert

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1666-1670
Volume 57, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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