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10 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1665-66. Liber FF Idem demds summons for Tho: Browne Barnaby Jackson Wm ditto die Gaskill Elizabeth Hall and George Aidridge to testifye in ditto Causo uppon perill of forfeiting 500lb tob: each prson summons to the sher of St Marys & another to the sherr: of Caluert County to warne &c ditto die Thomas Gerrard demds another writt of Summons for Benjamin Rozer samuell Dobson & wm Wills in St Marys County to testifye in Causo inter him and Wm Boarman uppon perill of forfeiting &c ditto die Thomas Gerrard demds writt agst Philip Combes in an accon of the Case to the uallue of Three Thowsand pounds of tobacco— another Warrt issued to the sherr St Marys County to arrest &c Ret: 3d Aprill next ditto die Fortune Mittford the Administratrix of Bulmer Mittford dds writt agst William Thomas and Ann his wife late Called Ann Steuens in an accon of Tresspass upon the Case to the uallue of Three Thow- sand pounds of tobaccoe Warrt to sherr: St Marys County to arrest &c: Ret 3d Aprill next Prouinall Court 22th Thomas Nottley demands writt of Execucon uppon any the Goods debts or Chattles belonging to Raphaell Haywood, according to an Order past the 4th January last past, directed to the Sherriffe of Caluert County besides Judiciall Charges (being 2078 th debt) Fees 260 lb tob. [p. 207] Thomas Nottley demands writt of Execucon for Sixteene hun- March dred pounds of tobacco and Caske uppon any the Goods debts or Chattles belonging to Raphaell Haywood according to an Ordr past the 4th January last past besides the Judiciall Charges being 220 lb tobaccoe more Warrt to sherriffe of Caluert County to Execute &c: 22 March Thomas Nottley demds writt of Execucon agst any the Goods debts or Chattles belonging to John Walton being for Fees due to the Court for Judiciall Charges amounting unto 362 pounds of tobaccoe according to an Ordr of the Prouinciall Court past the 11th day of Octobr last, directed to the sherriffe of Charles or St Marys Countyes or theire deputyes Caecilius &c: To all prsons to whome these presents shall Come Greeting, in Our Lord God Euerlasting Know Yee that whereas the shipe Hopewell of Kingsale in the Kingdome of Ireland whereof |
Volume 57, Page 10 View pdf image (33K) |
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