An Act Continuing an Act entituled an Act for the more effectual
destroying of Squirrels and Crows in the Counties of Kent Queen
Anns and Talbot and for Destroying red Foxes in the said Counties
An Act for Destroying Squirrels and Crows in Particular Counties
An Act for the keeping a Publick Warehouse for Inspecting
Tobacco at the Land of Ease on South River An Act for Selling
the Land whereon the Free School in S' Marys stood and for
Rebuilding the said School House.
An Act Continuing an Act, entituled an Act, for repairing the
Publick Roads in this province, and the supplementary Act thereto
An Act to enable the agents appointed by an Act, entituled an
Act for granting a supply of £40000 for his Majestys Service and
striking £34015.6.0 thereof in Bills of Credit and raising a Fund for
Sinking the same to pay the Several Sums of Money for Indian
Scalps to the persons in this Act mentioned
An Act to Impower the Justices of Charles County, to levy on
the Taxable Inhabitants of Port Tobacco Parish in the said County
a sum not exceeding two pounds of Tobacco p poll Annually for
the Support of an organist in said Parish