Eodem Die post Meridiem
This House met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning
A Bill from the Lower House entituled an Act repealing part of
an Act laying an Imposition on Negroes and on Several Sorts of
Liquors imported and also on Irish Servants to prevent the import-
ing too great a Number of Irish Papists into this Province and to
lay a duty upon Rum Spirits Wine and Brandy imported into this
Province from Pensylvania or the three Lower Counties on Dela-
ware called Newcastle Kent and Sussex thus endorsed
By the Lower House of Assembly 21st Decem.r 1758
Read the first and Second Time by an especial order and Will Pass
Signed p order M. Macnemara Cl Lo Ho
Read the first and Second Time by an especial order in this House
and Will not pass; sent to the Lower House by Daniel Dulany Esq.r
Two Bills from the Lower House by Mess.™ Worthington and
Bowman, one entitled an Act Continuing an Act Entituled an Act
for repairing the Publick Roads in the province also the supple-
mentary Act thereto, and an Act to enable the agents appointed
by an Act entituled an Act for granting a supply of £40000 for his
Majestys Service and Stricking £34015.6.0 thereof in Bills of Credit
and raising a fund for Sinking the same to pay the several sums of
Money for Indian scalps to the persons herein mentioned thus
By the Lower House of Assembly 21st December 1758
Read the first and second Time by an especial order and Will pass
Signed p order M. Macnemara Cl Lo Ho
Read the first Time in this House passed and sent to the Lower
House by Benedict Calvert Esq
Three engrossed Bills are brought from the Lower House by
Mess.rs Mackall and Stoddert, entituled as follows (Vizt) an Act
Continuing an Act entituled an Act for amending the Staple of