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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
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Aukenleak, [Mr.], 414.
Axes, 530.

Bachelors (Single Men), tax
on, xxxi, ixii, ixvii, 246, 291,
324, 489, 493, 496, 508.
Back Country, 105, 146.
Bacon, Reverend Thomas, xli,
ixxi, ixxii, 7, 27, 45, 79, 107,
114, 240, 243, 379, 432, 433,
475, 477, 480.
Bacon's Laws, xiii, xxxv,
xxxviii, xl, ixxi-lxxiii, ixxiv,
7, 45, 107, 114, 125, 383, 384,
427, 429, 432, 460, 464, 469,
470, 471, 472, 473, 475, 476,
477, 479-480, 482, 483, 497,
Bainbridge, Peter (J. p. for
Frederick County), 510, 511,
512, 513, 514. (Frederick
County), 288.
Baker, George (Frederick
County), 425. Captain Henry
(Cecil County), 12, 24, 27, 76,
83, 181, 191, 236, 314, 351,
381, 404, 437, 439, 448, 458;
On Comm, on Arms and Am-
munition, 19; Sent by Lower
House, go, 432, 495; Votes,
27, 3i, 32, 33, 34, 77, 81, 82,
84, 86, 87, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98,
100, 102, 107, 108, 109, 110,

111, 112, 116, 118, 119, 121,

124, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188,
189, 191, 192, 237, 238, 242,
249, 318, 359, 361, 362, 363,
366, 371, 376, 377, 378, 383,
445, 446, 447, 456, 457, 461,
463, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479,
483, 492, 493, 495, 497. Jona-
than, 316. Nathan, 55. Nich-
[ola]s, 506.
Baker's Fort, see Forts.
Baldwin, Henry, 315. John
(Clerk to Comm, to draw bill
for the advancement of jus-
tice), 173.
Ball, see Arms.
Baltimore, Lords, see Calvert;
Baltimore, see Baltimore Town.
Baltimore County, xxiii, xxxvi
xlii, ixv, 54, 55, 56, 112, 117,
131, 207, 209, 236, 243, 248
288, 316, 326, 327, 368, 373
427, 431, 432, 450, 451, 461
494, 517. Court House, xxxii
xxxvi, 207, 235, 358, 373, 376
Delegates, 12, 23, 66, 159, 226
351. Deputy Commissary, 451
Justices, 207, 522. Prison
xxxii, 207.
Baltimore Town, xxxii, xxxvi
ixv, 207, 235.
Barnes [Barnes?], Edward, 414
Bank of England Stock, xl, ivi
ixx, ixxi, 413, 416, 420.

Bankrupts and Bankruptcies,
210, 212, 215, 225, 240, 242,
252, 254, 319, 322, 524.
Banks, John, 506.
Barclay, John (Rector, All Hal-
lows, Anne Arundel County),
xli, 410.
Barker, [Mr.], 414.
Barnes, Colonel Abraham (St.
Mary's County), 287. Ed-
ward, 485; see also Barnes,
Barney, John (Dorchester
County), 59.
Barns, Jacob, 507. John, 507.
Barrels, 210, 216, 240, 242, 256,
347, 348, 349, 370, 378, 380,
382, 385, 301.
Barroll, Rev. William, 508.
Barron - Creek Warehouse
(Somerset County), 359, 393.
Batt, Walter, 115.
Bayonets, see Arms.
Beall, Benjamin, 317, Clement,
505. George, Jr., 505. George
(Sr.), 505. James, Sr., 504.
John, 505, Jos., xxi, 59. Josi,
505. Josias, Jr. (Prince
George's County), xiv, 12, 23,
27, 66, 103, 106, 159, 164,
191, 226, 235, 236, 240, 244,
247, 437, 450, 464, 469, 487;
On Comm, to inspect the Loan
Office, 92, 151, 171, 205, 213,
214, 229, 250, 251, 405, 413,
419, 439. 462 469; Sent by
Lower House, 22, 50, 96, 152,
182. Votes, 27, 31, 32, 33,
34, 69, 72, 73, 75, 77, 81, 82,
84, 86, 87, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98,

101, 102, 106, 108, 109, 110,

111, 112, 116, 117, 118, 119,
121, 124, 165, 166, 167, 170,
174, 175, 178, 183, 184, 186,
187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 234,
236, 242, 249, 318, 445, 447,
457, 461, 463, 475, 476, 477,
478, 479, 483. Robert, S. N.
[SR?], 506.
Beard, Richard, 56.
Beatty, Thomas (J. p. for
Frederick County), 510, 511

512, 513, 514.
Beckwith, Basil, 56, 509, 510.
Beds and Bedding, 40, 80, 488
Beef, 210, 216, 240, 242, 256
347, 348, 349, 370, 378, 380
382, 385, 391, 529.
Beer (Small Beer), 274.
Bell, Peter (Dorchester Coun-
ty), 59.
Belt, Captain Joseph (Prince
George's County), 288. Jo-
seph, 505.
Benedict Warehouse (Charles
County), 393.
Benefit of Clergy, 266, 428, 453
459, 481.

Bernard, Governor [Francis,
Mass.], 527.
Berry, Richard, 507.
Billetting Soldiers, xliv, xlvi,
xlix, 78, 79, 80, 168, 170, 180,
223, 234, 274, 278, 365, 369,
433-434, 447, 449.
Billiard Tables, ixii, ixvii, 245,
246, 496.
Bills of Credit, 264, 423, 469,
494; see also Loan Office.
Tender of, xxxv, 269, 270.
Torn or Defaced, 270.
Bills of Exchange, 413.
Bladen, Governor Thomas,
ixviii. William (Clerk of the
Council, 1715), 471, 472, 473.
Blanket, xix, 40, 80, 169, 369,
449; see also Clothing; Beds
and Bedding.
Board of Trade, see Lords of
Trade and Plantations.
Boats, Flats, 210, 212, 215, 224,
240, 242, 251, 254, 319, 321,
524; see also Ships.
Bond, Major Zachariah (St.
Mary's County), 287.
Bonds and Bonding, 266, 268,
273, 277, 278, 299, 423, 426,
427, 468, 469, 478, 495.
Bookkeeping, ixx, 247; see also
Italian Method (double entry).
Boothby, Edward (1692), 470.
Bordley, Stephen (U. H., At-
torney General of Maryland),
xxvi, xxix, ix, 141, 148, 153,
197, 204, 208, 214, 221, 315,
318, 333, 335, 343, 345, 347,
375, 388, 399, 407, 411, 419,
430, 445, 520, 521. On Bacon
petition, 428, 483, 515. Sent
by Upper House, 152, 182, 207,
211, 212, 221, 235, 245, 248,
318, 341, 348, 349, 360, 366,
379, 382, 384, 399, 409, 420,
427, 431, 438, 452, 465, 494-
Bos worth, Henry (Cecil Coun-
ty), 59-
Bounties (For enlistment), xliv,
xlvi, xlix, 80, 166, 167, 169,
179, 222, 233, 258, 273-4, 364,
368, 387, 429, 446, 448, 454,
459, 48i.
Bouquet, Colonel Henry, 529,
Bowes, Richard, 505.
Bowles, Colonel (Member of the
Council, 1692), 470.
Bowls (Feeding), 169.
Bowman, Frederick, 508.
George, 507. Samuel (Talbot
County), xiv, xv, 13, 24, 27,
66, 87, 88, 93, 159, 183, 184,
317, 351, 363, 364, 404, 439,
464, 478; On Comm, to In-
spect the Public Offices, 445;
Sent by Lower House, 60,
120; Votes, 27, 31, 32, 33,
34, 69, 72, 75, 77, 81, 82, 85,

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
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