furnish, I shall not fail representing the Same to His Majesty's
Ministers; that whatever Compsation may hereafter be granted by
Parliament for the Extraordinary Expences that might be incurred
by the several Colonies on this present Occasion, and which M.r
Secretary Pitt had His Majesty's permission to make them hope for
their Share in the same may be proportioned to their Obedience to
the Kings Commands
I am with great regard
Your most Obedient
His Excellency Gov.r Sharpe Humble Servant
Jeff Amherst
of Md.
No. 4
Letter 35
Hall of
New York, 15.th April 1761.
I am to own the Receipt of Your Letter of the 30.th March, by
which I see that You had Issued a Proclamation requiring the As-
sembly of the Province of Maryland, to meet the 7.th of this Month
(which, You Say, is as soon as they can possibly come together)
when You were to Communicate to them the Contents of M.r
Secretary Pitt's Letter of the 17.th December, and mine of the I5.th
March; and that You would press them in the most earnest manner
to Comply with His Majesty's Requisition; As Eight days are now
Elapsed since that on which the Assembly was to meet, I hope
very soon to be Informed of their Resolves, and trust that they will
be entirely Conformable to the King's Expectation; & meanwhile
I am, with great Truth,
Your most Obedient
His Excellency Gov :r Sharpe. Humble Servant,
Jeff: Amherst.
of Md.
No. 4
Letter 35 K
Hall of
New York, 26.th April 1761.
I am to own the Receipt of Your favor of the 15.th April, Which
Came to hand Yesterday, and to Return You my thanks for the
Information You have been pleased to give me of the Young
Gentleman I Enquired after.
Altho' You Acquaint me Your Assembly is not Yet Come to a
Resolution on M.r Pitt's Letter of the 17.th December, on Which
You had required them to meet, I shall hope soon to hear from You,
of Md.
No. 4
Letter 35 L
Hall of