October 30
Two Houses of Assembly for the Use of their respective Houses,
one to the Clerk of the Provincial Court for the Use of the said
Court, and one to the Clerk of each County Court for the Use of
their respective Courts; which Sum of Three Hundred Pounds, after
the same is collected, shall be by the several Sheriffs immediately paid
to the Commissioners or Trustees for Emitting Bills of Credit, and
the said Commissioners or Trustees are hereby required to keep a
separate Account for the said Sum of Money, and shall pay the same
to the said Thomas Bacon, upon his producing to them a Certificate
from his Excellency the Governor or the Commander in Chief for the
Time being, and from each of the Clerks above named, certifying
that they have respectively received the said printed Copies well Bound
and Lettered as aforesaid.
And be it further Enacted, That the said Committee, or a Majority
of them, shall, and they are hereby required to meet at the City of
Annapolis on the first Tuesday in April next, or on the Day following,
to begin their said Examination and Enquiry, and shall and may
adjourn from Time to Time as they find convenient, until they have
finished the same; and for their Trouble in attending for the Pur-
poses aforesaid, each of the said Committee shall have and receive
the same Wages respectively as are allowed by Law to Councillors
and Delegates serving in General Assembly, besides itinerant Charges,
and no more; to be allowed to them in the Journal of Accounts of
this Province.
And be it further Enacted, That the said Thomas Bacon, shall,
after the Approbation of the General Assembly obtained as aforesaid,
as soon as conveniently may be, cause to be prepared and made ready,
every Material for Printing the said Work, and shall give immediate
Notice thereof to William Murdock, Charles Carroll, and John
Hammond, Esquires, or any one of them, who are hereby authorized
and required carefully to supervise and correct the Press, and for
their Trouble therein shall be allowed the Sum of Sixty Pounds
Current Money in the Journal of Accounts of this Province.
The Indorsements on the aforegoing Bill are as follow :
By the Lower House of Assembly, 15th October, 1760.
Read the first and second Time by an especial Order, and will
Signed per Order, M. Macnemara, Cl. Lo. Ho.
By the Upper House of Assembly, 15th October, 1760.
Read the first Time, and will not Pass.
Signed per Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho.