Every offer that is in His Power to Per forme to his Creditors to no
purpose Your Petitioner Prison Fees is Mounting Very high Which
with the Expences he has been Obliged to be at, as long as he has any
Thing of his Own to Subsist on, he not being used to Prison fees
must is a small Time now Inevitably be his Ruin And Family Which
Consists of a Wife and three Children Your Petitioner has been
Informed That a Debt he Owes in The Loan office stopped his last
Petition That Debt [is ?] Satisfy by Executing your Petitioners Land
Your Petitioner is Willing [to] surrender up all his Estate Both
Real and personal for the Ben[efit] of his Creditors And Humbly
Pray your Excellency and Honours [will] take his Melancholy Con-
dition into your Serious Consideration and Grant him Relief And
Your Petitoner as in Duty bound Will Ever pray
Basil Beckwith
Frederick County March 20th 1759
We the Subscriber Justices of the peace for ye county afs.d do
certify that Basil Beckwith your Petioner has been for a considerable
Time a Prisoner in the County Goal for Debt, and therefore Recom-
mend him as an Object of Charity.
Tho Beatty Petr Bainbridge
Jos. Wood David Lynn
Jos. Smith Mos; Chapline
I hereby Certifie that Th.o Beatty Jos Wood Jos Smith Pet Bain-
bridge David Lynn and Mos Chapline Subscribers to the within
Petition were at the time of Signing and still are of his Lordships
the Right Honourable Proprietarys Justices of the Peace for Fred-
erick County In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand &
affixed the Public Seal of said County this Twenty-eighth day of
March Anno 1759
John Darnall Clk
Fred Coty