Attention might not be diverted I decline mentioning any Other
Matters untill you shall have Come to some resolution with regard
to the Generals Letter to which I hope you will very soon enable me
to give such an Answer as might Convince him that you merit the
confidence he hath been pleased to repose in the Assembly, and that
you meet Determined to Demonstrate by your proceedings, more
than by professions that you are pleased with the extraordinary
Zeal which our Troops have shewn for his Majestys Service and the
Honour of the Province, and that Notwithstanding the Ill Opinion
which some who are Strangers to the Real Principles of the In-
habitants of Maryland have been led to entertain of them, there are
not in his Majestys Dominions more Loyal nor more Dutifull
Subjects. Camp at Carlisle July 20.th 1758
Having considered what you have told me Concerning the Situa-
tion of your Maryland Troops and particularly about the distressed
Condition of the officers, and of M.r Ross by whom your Forces have
been victualled Since the Money which was granted by your Assembly
for their Support was expended and being very averse to your Troops
being disbandoned at this critical Juncture when in all Probability I
shall have great occasion for their Service I am induced to Advance
a Sum of Money towards relieving those Gentlemen in Some
Measure from the Difficulties wherein they are involved by the Late
Extraordinary Conduct of your Assembly and to encourage your
Troops to keep Together dureing the Campaign
As I do not Take upon myself to pay your Troops the arrears that
are due to them, or Satisfy M.r Ross but expect that your Assembly
will out of the Supplies which they shall grant at their next meeting
appropriate a Sum for those Purposes, I shall not Concern myself
with any Accounts whatever that I leave to your Assembly or to
Such Persons as you or they may appoint but what I Advance I
advance upon the Credit of the Province to be repaid me out of the
first Money that your Assembly may raise, and I desire you will
Communicate this Letter to them that they may be thoroughly
apprized of my Intentions and Expectations.
As I doubt not but your Assembly will Notwithstanding what has
Lately happened be satisfied with my keeping your Troops together
till the end of the Campaign I shall not Scruple to Assure them
U. H. J.
Liber No. 35
Oct. 23