Mr. Tilden appeared in the House.
Ordered, That Major Hynson and Mr. Ringgold do go with Mr.
Tilden to the Upper House, to see him Qualified. They return and
acquaint Mr. Speaker, That they saw him Qualified in the usual
The Gentleman took his Seat accordingly.
Ordered, That the Gentlemen appointed to draw the above Ad-
dress, be appointed to joint in a Committee with the Members ap-
pointed by the Upper House to draw an Address of Condolance on
the Death of his late Majesty, and Congratulations on the Ascension
of his present Majesty to the Throne of Great Britain.
Mr. Edward Tilghman brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker, an
Address to his Excellency; which was Read, Approved, and Or-
dered to be Ingrossed.
Mr. Edward Tilghman brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker the
following Ingrossed Address :
To his Excellency Horatio Sharpe, Esq; Governor and Commander
in Chief in and over the Province of Maryland :
The humble Address of the House of Delegates.
May it please your Excellency,
We cannot but agree with your Excellency in Opinion, that it
would become us to join in such an Address to his Majesty as you
have been pleased to mention in your Message of this Afternoon;
and we propose to proceed with the Gentlemen of the Upper House