Acts. 389
Majority of them, or of the Survivors of them, shall compute and
ascertain what Rate, by way of additional Tax on Lands, to be
imposed in the same Manner with the Land-Tax before imposed,
will undoubtedly be sufficient to make good such Deficiency as afore-
said, adding thereto the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds. And the
said Commissioners who shall ascertain the Rate of such additional
Land-Tax, shall make out Certificates of such Rate under their
Hands and Seals to the Collector of the Land-Tax of each respective
County, and deliver the same by the Twentieth Day of August,
Seventeen Hundred and Sixty-two, inclosed and indorsed, for his
Lordship's Service, to the Sheriff of Anne-Arundel County, or his
Deputy, under the Penalty of One Hundred Pounds Current Money
on each Commissioner who shall ascertain the Rate aforesaid, and
whose Hand and Seal shall not be set and affixed to such Certificate,
to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information,
wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law, or more than one
Imparlance, shall be allowed; one Half thereof to be paid to the
Informer, or him or them that shall sue for the same, the other
Half thereof to be paid to the Commissioners or Trustees for
Emitting Bills of Credit aforesaid, to be by them applied to the
replacing and sinking the aforesaid Forty Thousand Pounds.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if
the Accounts of the Commissioners or Trustees for Emitting Bills
of Credit aforesaid, relating to the Monies received on the several
Ways and Means in this Act, and the Acts herein mentioned to be
continued, shall not on the aforesaid First Monday of August be in
such Order, that the State of the Funds, to be raised by the Ways
and Means aforesaid, can be seen, or the Sums of Money received
thereon, known on View, then and in such Case each of such Com-
missioners shall forfeit and pay the Sum of One Hundred Pounds
Current Money; to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or
Information, wherein no Essoin, Protection, or Wager of Law, or
more than one Imparlance, shall be allowed; one Half thereof to the
[Penalty on
the Com-
missioners of
the Loan-
Office, if
they have
not their
stated by the
first of
Informer, or him, her or them, that shall sue for the same; the other
Half to be paid to the Commissioners or Trustees for Emitting Bills
of Credit aforesaid; to be by them applied to the replacing and
sinking the aforesaid Forty Thousand Pounds.
p. 389
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That each
of the said Commissioners who shall attend at the Paper Currency
Office on the Day aforesaid, and set his Hand and Seal to such Certi-
ficates as aforesaid, shall be allowed in the Journal of Accounts of
this Province, the same Wages respectively as are allowed by Law
to Councilors and Delegates serving in General Assembly, besides
their itinerant Charges, and no more.
to Commis-