Acts. 387
said, are hereby declared null and void; and that it shall not be lawful
for any Officer whatsoever within this Province, to take or receive
by Virtue thereof, any Sum or Sums of Money by Way of addi-
tional Land-Tax from any Person or Persons whatsoever; and if
Liber H. S.
No. 1
any Officer or Officers within this Province, by Force or Colour of
the Rate aforesaid, and Certificate thereof made, hath received, or
shall receive, any Sum or Sums of Money for or upon Account of
the said additional Land-Tax, such Officer and Officers is and are
hereby directed and obliged to repay, upon Demand, all and every
such Sum or Sums of Money to the Person or Persons from whom
obliged to
he or they received the same; and in case Default be made, in repay-
ing the same upon Demand, (provided such Demand be made at
the Dwelling-House or Office of such Officer) it shall and may be
lawful for such Person or Persons, who hath or have paid the same,
to recover the same from such Officer or Officers, with Costs of Suit,
in the same Manner as other Debts are or may be recovered within
this Province; any Thing in the aforesaid recited Act to the con-
trary notwithstanding.
p. 387
And be it further Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the several and respective Clauses men-
tioned and contained in the said Act, relating to the several Duties,
Taxes, Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties, thereby imposed or con-
tinued, and the Levying, Collecting, Recovery and Paying in thereof
(except as therein excepted) and also the several and respective
Clauses in the said Act relating to the replacing and sinking the
aforesaid Sum of Forty Thousand Pounds, shall be and are hereby
declared to continue and be in full Force for and during the Time
hereafter mentioned.
[Duties im-
posed by a
former Act
And be it likewise Enacted, That such Parts of the Act of As-
sembly, entituled, An Ast for issuing and taking out of the Office
of the Commissioners or Trustees appointed for Emitting Bills of
Credit, established by Act of Assembly, the Sum of Four Thousand
Five Hundred Pounds Current Money, for Encouragement of such
able-bodied Freemen as shall voluntarily enlist themselves in his
Majesty's Service for the intended Expedition against Canada, and
for maintaining and conveying them to the Place of Rendezvous ;
as also for replacing the said Sum, and for the better regulating
Ordinaries and Ordinary-Keepers, and for other Purposes therein
mentioned, as relate to the regulating of Ordinaries, Ordinary-
Keepers, granting Ordinary Licences, and the several Clauses,
Matters and Things, therein mentioned, concerning the same; and
the several Clauses of the Act for his Majesty's Service, made at a
Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis or
the Seventeenth Day of July, in the Year One Thousand Seven
[Several Du-
ties, Taxes,
&c. laid by
several for-
mer Acts,