An Ingrossed Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled,
An Act for the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Pitch, Tar, Tur-
pentine, and Tare of Barrels for Flour or Bread.
An Ingrossed Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled,
An Act for Relieving the Inhabitants of this Province from some
Aggrievances in the Prosecution of Suits at Law; and for continuing
the Supplementary Act thereto.
An Ingrossed Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled,
An Act for the speedy Recovery of small Debts out of Court, before
one Justice of the Peace.
An Ingrossed Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled,
A Supplementary Act to the Act, entituled, An Act ascertaining
the Height of Fences, to prevent the Evil occasioned by the Multi-
tude of Horses, and restraining Horse-Rangers, within this Prov-
ince; and to redress the great Evil accruing to this Province, by the
Multiplicity of useless Horses, Mares, and Colts, that run in the
An Ingrossed Bill, entituled, An Act to augment the Salaries of
several Inspectors.
An Ingrossed Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled,
An Act to remedy some Evils relating to Servants.
An Ingrossed Bill, entituled, An Act for increasing the Allowance
of Grand and Petit Jurors, who shall Attend the Provincial Court,
to limit Costs with respect to Witnesses, and granting them an
Allowance for Itinerant Charges.
All which his Excellency the Governor passed into Laws; and
made the following Speech :
L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
Oct. 15
p. 333
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly,
I do, with the Advice of his Lordship's Council of State, Prorogue
this Assembly to the Second Monday in March; and you are to take
Notice you are Prorogued to that Day accordingly.
So Endeth this Session of Assembly, this 15th Day of October,
Test. M. Macnemara, Cl. Up. Ho.
p. 334