374 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 26-Oct. 15, 1760.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
Oct. 8
The Bill, entituled, An Act for granting a Supply of £32,000 for
his Majesty's Service, &c. was Read throughout for the first Time,
and Ordered to lie on the Table.
On Motion, Ordered, That the Bill, entituled, An Act for granting
a Supply of £32,000 for his Majesty's Service, &c. be Read the
second Time, which was accordingly proceeded on; but for want of
Time to Read it throughout, consonant to the Rules of Sitting.
The House adjourns till the Morrow Morning at 8 a Clock.
Oct. 9
Thursday, 9th October, 1760.
The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
The Bill, entituled, An Act for granting a Supply of £ 32,000, &c.
was Read the second Time, and committed for Amendments.
Dr. Steuart brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker, a Bill, entituled,
An Act for Conveying and Transporting the French Prisoners,
therein mentioned, to England; which was Read the first Time, and
Ordered to lie on the Table.
On Reading the second Time the Report brought in by Mr.
Wilson, relative to those Laws which will expire with the Close of this
Session, the House concurs therewith.
p. 317
Ordered, That Mr. Matthew Tilghman and Mr. Hanson, Mr.
Murdock and Mr. Charles Goldsborough, do prepare and bring in
Bills to continue the several Acts therein mentioned.
On Motion, Leave given to bring in a Bill to Revive the Act,
entituled, An Act for Punishment of Fornication and Adultery.
Ordered, That Mr. Matthew Tilghman, Mr. Hanson, Mr. Mur-
dock, and Mr. Charles Goldsborough, do prepare and bring in a Bill
Benedict, Calvert, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker, the Bill, entituled, An Act for Easing the Inhabitants of
this Province, from the great and unequal Burthen of the additional
Land-Tax; and the following Message, viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly, 9th October, 1760.
Although we were of Opinion, when we proposed the several
Amendments that are Indorsed on the Bill, entituled, An Act for
Easing the Inhabitants of this Province, from the great and unequal
Burthen of the additional Land-Tax, and still think that it would
be advisable on many Accounts for us to extend, at this Time, the
Duration of the Act for granting a Supply of £40,000 for his
Majesty's Service, that was passed in 1756, for One Year only,
beyond the Term for which it was originally intended to remain in
Force, yet, as the Funds that were appropriated to sink the Bills