364 Assembly
Proceedings, Sept. 26-1
Oct. 15, 1760.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
Oct. 3
C. Goldsborough,
The House being Divided on the foregoing Question, the same
was determined in the Negative by the Vote of the Honourable
p. 298
On Reading the said Message throughout, the same was Approved,
and Ordered to be Ingrossed.
On Motion, Resolved, That this House will proceed, on the Mor-
row Morning, to take into a further Consideration the Subject-
matter contained in his Excellency the Governor's Speech.
On Motion, Resolved, That this House will take into Considera-
tion his Excellency's Message sent with Lord Covill's Letter, on
Monday next Afternoon.
Ordered, That Mr. John Goldsborough and Mr. Wilson be a
Committee to enquire what Laws will expire at the Close of this
Session, and that they make Report thereof to the House.
The House adjourns till the Morrow Morning at 9 of the Clock.
Oct. 4
Saturday, 4th October, 1760.
The House met according to Adjournment. The Members were
called, and all appeared as Yesterday, except Mr. Greenfield, Mr.
Thomas, and Mr. Bowman. The Proceedings were Read.
The Order of the Day being Read; the House took into Con-
sideration the Subject-matter contained in his Excellency the Gov-
ernour's Speech, made at the Opening this Session, with General
Monckton's Letter referred to therein. And,
On Motion, Resolved, That this House will forthwith make a
Provision for Raising, Cloathing and Paying, 200 Men, Commis-
sioned and Non-Commissioned Officers included, for his Majesty's
Service, agreeable to the Requisition of General Monckton, and that
they be continued in Pay for Six Months.
p. 299
Resolved, That the Sum of Six Pounds Bounty-Money, be paid
to each able-bodied Man that shall be enlisted by any Officer, and
shall pass Muster, and shall serve under any Commanding Officer
duly authorized; and that Twenty Shillings be paid to the Officer
who shall enlist such able-bodied Man.
Resolved, That this House will, out of the first Supplies that shall
be granted for his Majesty's Service, appropriate a Sum sufficient to
repay the Money advanced in the Year 1758 by General Forbes, for
the Pay, Victualling and Cloathing the Troops, formerly in the Pay
of this Province, from the Time the Money granted for the Pay,