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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 362   View pdf image (33K)
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362 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 26-Oct. 15, 1760.

L. H. J.



M. Tilghman,

Liber No. 51

Oct. 2









p. 294

The House being Divided on the foregoing Question, the same
was determined in the Affirmative by the Vote of the Honourable

His Excellency the Governor communicated to Mr. Speaker, the
following Message, viz.
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly,
In Compliance with your Request, I send you General Monckton's
Letter, which, when you have read it, you will be pleased to return.

The 2d October, 1760. Hor.o Sharpe.

And General Monckton's Letter Containing the following Words
Fort Pitt Augst 21st 1760
As it cannot be Expected that General Amherst will able to spare
any of the regular Troops now with him for the Winter Garrisons
of the posts in this department which are now Considerably Increased
and the number of regular Troops here greatly Lessen'd.
I think it my Duty Sir to give you the Earliest Notice That it
will be absolutely necessary for the support of his Majesty's Rights
on Lake Erie and the River Ohio, That the province under your
Command should furnish at least Two hundred men with Officers &
non Commissioned Officers in proportion
This Sir is so Essential a Service that I cannot in the Least Doubt
but you will use your utmost Endeavours with the Council and
Assembly of your province to Induce them to Comply with this so
necessary a Requisition

I have the Honour to be
Sir Your most obedient & hum sert
Govr Sharpe Rob.t Monckton

The House adjourns until 2 of the Clock Afternoon.
Post-Meridiem. The House met according to Adjournment.

p. 295

Mr. Tilden appeared in the House.

His Excellency the Governor communicated to Mr. Speaker, the
following Message, viz.
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly,

The Right Honourable Lord Colvill, Commander in Chief of
his Majesty's Ships in the River St. Lawrence, having desired, as


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 362   View pdf image (33K)
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