The Lower House. 319
Order, and will not pass; and was sent to the Upper House by
Mr. Dorsey and Col. Cresap.
The Petition of the Inhabitants of the Upper Part of All Saints
Parish, was Read and Referred to the Consideration of next
The House adjourns till the Morrow Morning at nine of the
L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 10
Friday, April 11, 1760.
The House met according to Adjournment: All the Members
appeared as Yesterday, except Capt. Lee. The Proceedings were
Benedict Calvert, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker, the several Papers of the Ingrossed Bills, which had been
Read and Assented to by this House; which Paper Bills were severally
thus Indorsed, "By the Upper House of Assembly, 8th April, 1760.
The Ingrossed Bill, whereof this is the Original, is Read and
Assented to.
Signed p Order, J. Ross, Cl. Up. Ho."
Ordered That Mr. Lloyd and Mr. Carroll do acquaint his Excel-
lency the Governor, That no Public Business lies before this House
to Transact.
Samuel Chamberlaine, Esq; and Colonel Tasker, from the Upper
House, acquaint Mr. Speaker, That the Governor requires the At-
tendance of the Lower House immediately in the Council Chamber.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair, and (with the Members of the Lower
House) attended his Excellency in the Council Chamber, where Mr.
Speaker presented to him,
April 11
An Ingrossed Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled,
An Act to prevent Persons from secreting Boats, Flats, and other
Vessels, drove by Stress of Weather or otherwise, from Landings
or Moorings.
An Ingrossed Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled,
An Act to prevent Masters of Ships and Vessels from clandestinely
carrying Servants and Slaves, or Persons indebted, out of this
An Ingrossed Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled,
A Supplementary Act to the Act, entituled, An Act for the Relief
of Creditors in England against Bankrupts, who have imported
Goods into this Province not accounted for.
An Ingrossed Bill, entituled, An Act continuing an Act, entituled,
An Act for the Advancement of Justice.
p. 377