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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 29   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 29

that the following Laws will expire at the End of this Session, if not
continued, viz.
An Act, entituled, An Act for ascertaining the Allowance of Petit
Jurors attending the Provincial Court, to limit Costs with Respect
to Witnesses, and for settling their Allowances as to itinerant
Charges, made at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the
City of Annapolis the 24th Day of May 1749.

An Act, entituled, An Act for the Destroying Squirrels and Crows
in the several Counties therein mentioned, made at a Session of
Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis the third Day of
June, 1752.

An Act, entituled, An Act for the Relief of such Persons as cannot
find Surety for their Appearance to testify as a Witness against any
Person arrested, accused, or prosecuted, for any Criminal Matter,
made at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of An-
napolis the third Day of June, 1752.

An Act, entituled, An Act to prevent disabled and superannuated
Slaves being set free, or the Manumission of Slavery by any last
Will or Testament, made at a Session of Assembly begun and held
at the City of Annapolis the third Day of June, 1752.

An Act, entituled, An Act for the more effectual destroying of
Squirrels and Crows in the Counties of Kent, Queen-Anne's and

L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
Oct. 31

Talbot; and for destroying Red Foxes in the said Counties, made at
a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis the
24th Day of May, 1749.

An Act, entituled, An Act for Repairing the Public Roads in this
Province, made at a Session of Assembly, begun and held at the
City of Annapolis the second Day of October, 1753, also a Supple-
mentary Act thereto, made at a Session of Assembly begun and
held at the City of Annapolis the third Day of February, 1756.

And your Committee take Leave to inform the Honourable House,
That an Act, entituled, An Act for the speedy and effectual Publica-
tion of the Laws of this Province, and for the Encouragement of
Jonas Green of the City of Annapolis, Printer, made at a Session of
Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis the 23d Day of
February, 1756, will expire the 20th Day of December next. And,
That the Act, For amending the Staple of Tobacco, for preventing
Frauds in his Majesty's Customs, and for the Limitation of Officers
Fees, made at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of
Annapolis the second Day of October, 1753, will expire the first
Day of December next.

All which is humbly submitted to the Consideration of the
Honourable House.
Signed per Order, William Wilkins, Clerk.

p. 21

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 29   View pdf image (33K)
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