The Lower House. 273
XXIII. And be it Enacted, That all and every the Officers and
Soldiers aforesaid, shall, whilst in the Pay of this Province, by
Virtue of this Act, be liable to martial Law and Discipline, in like
Manner, to all Intents and Purposes, as the British Forces are by
the Statute Laws of Great-Britain, now in Force.
XXIV. And whereas the better to facilitate this important Service,
his Majesty has been graciously pleased to leave it to his Excellency
Horatio Sharpe, Esq; Governor and Commander in Chief in and
over this Province, to issue Commissions to such Gentlemen of this
Province as he shall judge, from their Weight and Credit with the
People, and their Zeal for the Public Service, may be best disposed
and enabled to quicken and effectuate the speedy Levying of the
greatest Number of Men :
XXV. Be it therefore Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and
Consent aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the said
Horatio Sharpe, Esq; or the Governor or Commander in Chief of
this Province, for the Time being, to issue so many Commissions to
such Gentlemen as aforesaid, as may be necessary for the Enlisting
L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 8
and Raising Nine Hundred and Fifty-seven Men; And the Agents
herein after appointed, are hereby required to deliver to the Persons
who shall be impowered to Enlist and Raise the said Men as afore-
said, such Sums of Money as the Governor or Commander in Chief
of this Province, for the Time being, shall direct, by Order under
his Hand, to be by the said Persons expended in Bounties for En-
listing Men as aforesaid, at the Rate of Twelve Pounds per Man,
and Twenty Shillings to the Officer as a Reward for Enlisting each
Man, so as the said Sums to be delivered by the said Agents exceed
not, in the Whole, the Sum of Twelve Thousand Four Hundred and
Forty-one Pounds. And the said Agents, before they shall deliver
any Money to the said Persons, so to be employed in Enlisting and
Raising any of the Men to be taken into and supported in the Pay
of this Province, under and by Virtue of this Act, shall take Bonds
from such Persons respectively, with proper Security, payable to
the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary of this Province, oblig-
ing them to account for such Monies as to them shall be delivered
for the Purposes aforesaid, as herein after directed, and to re-deliver
to the said Agents any Part of the said Monies that may remain
in their Hands unapplied to the Uses aforesaid.
XXVI. And be it further Enacted, That the said Persons so to
be impowered to Enlist and Raise Men as aforesaid, shall, and they
are hereby enjoined and required to account with the Agents afore-
said, by the Expiration of Three Months from the End of this
Session of Assembly, for all such Monies as at the Time of such
accounting shall be by them expended in the Uses aforesaid, and
shall then deliver unto the said Agents, Receipts from the Men by
them respectively Enlisted, for all such Bounty-Money as they shall
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