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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 26   View pdf image (33K)
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26 Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 23-Nov. 4, 1758.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
Oct. 28

Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly,

I thank you for your Promise to take General Forbes's Letter into
Consideration, agreeable to my Desire; and shall be very glad if your
Resolutions thereupon convince him, that the Inhabitants of Mary-
land, or if, you please much the greatest Part of them, whose Inclina-
tions will, I hope, for their own Sakes, be judged of by your Conduct
and Behaviour during this Session, and not by the Proceedings of
the late Lower House, are really such as I thought it my Duty to
represesent them when I endeavoured to remove the Prejudices,
which his Excellency and many others of his Majesty's Officers,
seemed to have conceived against them.
Hor.o Sharpe.

The Order of the Day being Read; the House took into Con-
sideration the Subject-Matter contained in his Excellency the
Governor's Speech, together with General Forbes's Letter to the
Governor; And

Resolved, That this House will, out of the first Supplies that shall
be granted for his Majesty's Service, appropriate a Sum Sufficient to
Reimburse General Forbes what he may have advanced for the Pay,
Victualling, and Cloathing, of the Troops formerly in the Pay of
this Province, from the time the Money granted for the Pay, Sub-
sistence, and Cloathing of the said Men, was expended, till the Time
the said Troops were taken into his Majesty's Service, so far as the
same shall appear to this House to be just and reasonable.

And it is further Resolved That if it shall appear that General

Forbes has not paid all the Money that may be due for the Pay,
Victualling, and Cloathing of the said Men, from the Time the
Money, granted for that Purpose, was expended, till the Time they
were taken into his Majesty's Service, that then this House will make
a Provision for what further Sum may be due for the Pay, Victual-
ling, and Cloathing of the said Men.

Resolved, That this House will, out of the first Supplies which
shall be granted for his Majesty's Service, appropriate a Sum suffi-
cient to Reimburse General Forbes what he may have advanced, or
shall advance, for the Pay and Cloathing of the Troops formerly

p. 18

in the Pay of this Province, and by him taken into his Majesty's
Service, from the Time those Troops entered into the said Service,
to the End of the present Campaign.

On Motion, the Question was put, That the following Question
be now put, viz. That the Money to be raised for the current Service
of the Year, be raised by an equal Assessment on all Estates, Real
and Personal and Lucrative Offices and Employments. Resolved in
the Affirmative.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 26   View pdf image (33K)
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