250 Assembly Proceedings, March 22-April 11, 1760.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 4
On Motion, Mr. Murdock hath Leave of the House to be absent
on his urgent Affairs.
The House adjourns till Half an Hour past Two of the Clock.
Post-Meridiem. The House met according to Adjournment; All
the Members appeared as before Noon, except Mr. Murdock.
The Bill, entituled, An Act to continue the several Taxes and
Duties mentioned in the Act for granting a Supply of Forty thou-
sand Pounds for his Majesty's Service, and the several Acts therein
mentioned, and for suspending the Time appointed by the said Act
for laying an additional Tax on Lands, was Read the second Time
by an especial Order, and will pass.
On Motion, the Question was put, That the Bill, entituled, An
Act for Naturalization, prepared in the Upper House, and sent here
for a Concurrence, be now entered on the Journal of this House,
and printed with the Votes and Proceedings of this Session, with
the several Amendments that shall be proposed to be made thereto
by this House. Resolved in the Affirmative [see pp. 309-313].
Mr. Earle brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker the following
Report, viz.t
At a Committee of both Houses of Assembly, appointed to Inspect
the Office and Proceedings of the Commissioners for Emitting Bills
of Credit, established by Act of Assembly. April 4, 1760.
Were Present,
The Honourable Samuel Chamberlaine, Esq; of the Upper House,
Messieurs Walter Dulany,
Michael Earle,
Alexander Williamson,
Robert Lloyd,
of the Lower House.
John Hanson, junior,
Josias Beall, junior, and
John Trueman Stoddert,
p. 202
Who agree to make the following Report.
Your Committee think it necessary at this Time to Report to your
Honours, That as soon as it was convenient, after their Appoint-
ment, they attended in the Paper Currency Office, in order to proceed
to their Duty, when they were informed by Mr. Richard Dorsey,
Clerk of that Office, that by Means of his long Indisposition, the
Books and Proceedings of the said Office were not in a proper State
and Condition for their immediate Inspection, but that he would use
his Endeavours in a few Days to have them so; in a short Time
after which, he was, as your Committee are informed, again taken
so ill as to be incapable of attending his Duty, and has been ever
since confined to his House in the Country, by which Means, and by