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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 247   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 247

And your Committee take Leave to inform the Honourable House,
that the foregoing is the best and clearest State of the several Funds
for sinking and replacing the Forty Thousand Pounds they can at
present make, and is the Whole that appears to have been received
in to the Date aforesaid; and as the Books are not posted and closed,
they cannot now Report to a Certainty the Sum that any of the
Funds will annually produce, as the several Collectors of the Taxes
and Duties do not always regularly pay in the Money they do or

L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 3

ought to receive; it appears by the Books that some of them are the
last half Year, others an whole Year, and some a longer Time, since
they have accounted or paid in, and until they do so, they cannot
be debited on the Books with any certain Sum arising from the
Duties; therefore your Committee can only Report what has been
paid in from each respective Fund for Three Years past.

All which is submitted to the Consideration of the Honourable
Walter Dulany,
Michael Earle,
Alexander Williamson,
John Hanson, junior,
Josias Beall, junior,
John Trueman Stoddert,
Robert Lloyd.

On Reading the said Report a first and second Time, the House
concurs therewith.

On Motion, Leave given to bring in a Bill, To continue the several
Taxes and Duties mentioned in the Act for granting a Supply of
Forty Thousand Pounds for his Majesty's Service, &c. and the sev-
eral Acts therein mentioned, and for suspending the Time of laying an
additional Tax on Land: Ordered, That Mr. Goldsborough, Mr.
Carroll, Mr. Dorsey, Col. Tilghman, and Mr. Murdock, do prepare
and bring in a Bill accordingly.

The Bill, entituled, An Act for the speedy and effectual Publica-
tion of the Laws of this Province, and for the Encouragement of
Jonas Green, of the City of Annapolis, Printer, was Read the second
Time, and will pass; and was sent to the Upper House by Mr. Dulany
and Mr. Carroll.

On Reading the second Time, the Petition of the Subscribers,
Sufferers by the Loss of Tobacco burnt in Llewellin's Warehouse,
The Question was put, and Resolved, That the Sum of 1 1. 17 s. 6 d.
Current Money p Hundred, be allowed for Crop Tobacco, with Four
per Cent for the Cask, and 1 1. 12 s. 6 d. Current Money per Hun-
dred for the Transfer of Tobacco, burnt in Llewellin's Warehouse, on
the Eleventh Day of June, 1759.

p. 198

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 247   View pdf image (33K)
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