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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 245   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 245

Province, and for the Encouragement of Jonas Green, of the City
of Annapolis, Printer; which was Read the first Time, and Ordered
to lie on the Table.
The House adjourns till Half an Hour past Two of the Dock.
Post-Meridiem. The House met according to Adjournment, &c.
Stephen Bordley, Esq; from the Upper House, delivers to Mr.
Speaker, a Petition and Representation of the Subscribers, sufferers
by Tobacco burnt in Llewellin's Warehouse, in St. Mary's County;
Indorsed, "By the Upper House of Assembly, 2d April, 1760. Read
and Referred to the Consideration of the Lower House of As-
Which was Read, and Ordered to lie on the Table.
The House adjourns till the Morrow Morning at 9 of the Clock.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 2

Thursday, April 3,d 1760.

The House met according to Adjournment; The Members were
called, and all appeared as Yesterday, except Philip Hammond, Esq ;
and Mr. Mauldin. The Proceedings were Read.

April 3

Mr. Dulany, from the Committee appointed, brings in and de-
livers to Mr. Speaker, the following Report, viz.
By the Committee appointed by the Honourable the Lower House
of Assembly to inspect the present State of the Funds raised by the
several Acts of Assembly for his Majesty's Service, and Report
forthwith the Amount of the several Sums paid into the said Office
in Pursuance of the said Acts.
April 3d, 1760.

Your Committee having examined the Account raised by the
Commissioners or Trustees under the Act passed in July Session
1754, for granting six thousand pounds for his Majesty's Service,
do find, that there has been paid into the Office the Sum of four
thousand and seventy- four Pounds thirteen shillings and One Penny
farthing and that the Ballances due from several of the Sheriffs
that have collected the Ordinary Licences, Tax upon Wheel Car-
riages, and Billiard Tables, amount to £1469 131 which Sum, should
it be immediately paid into the Office, would leave a Ballance still
due towards replacing the £6000 of £455 13 9! and as great Part
of the Arrears have been a long Time due, and as it has been hereto-
fore Reported, from Persons in bad Circumstances, your Committee
conceive that it will reqqire more than a Year's farther Collection of
the Duties and Taxes under the Act aforesaid, to compleat the re-
placing said £6000.

And your Committee, on Examination of the Book kept by the
said Commissioners for the Forty Thousand Pounds Grant, do find,
that they have paid out to the Amount of 37827 1. 10 s. and that

p. 196

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 245   View pdf image (33K)
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