Monday, March 24,th 1760.
The House met according to Adjournment; The Members were
called, and all appeared as on Saturday. The Proceedings were Read.
Mr. Sulivane appeared in the House.
The House appointed Alexander Williamson, Esq; Mr. Carroll,
Mr. Edward Dorsey, Mr. Murdock, Col. Fitzhugh, and Mr. Lloyd, a
Committee of Elections and Privileges.
Mr. Murdock, Mr. Gassaway, Mr. Govane, Major Hynson, Col.
Travers, and Mr. Sulivane, a Committee of Accounts.
Mr. Murdock, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Edward Dorsey, Mr. Tilghman,
Mr. Lloyd, and Mr. Gassaway, a Committee of Grievances and
Courts of Justice.
Capt. John Hammond Dorsey, Capt. Thomas Cockey Deye, Col.
Fitzhugh, Capt. Dent, and Mr. Fraser, a Committee to enquire into
the State and Condition of the Arms and Ammunition, and Accounts
relating thereto.
Mr. Dulany, Mr. Earle, Alexander Williamson, Esq; Mr. Worth-
ington, Mr. Hanson, Mr. Beall, and Mr. Stoddert, a Committee to
inspect the Accounts and Proceedings of the Commissioners or Trus-
tees for emitting Bills of Credit, established by Act of Assembly.
Mr. Edward Tilghman, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Murdock,
Mr. Edward Dorsey, Mr. Govane, and Capt. King, a Committee to
inspect into the several Public Offices.
Capt. Arthur Lee, a Delegate Elected by the Freeholders of Charles
County, to serve in the General Assembly of this Province, appeared
in the House.
Ordered, That Mr. Hanson and Mr. Stoddert do go with Capt.
Lee to the Upper House, to see him Qualified. They return and
acquaint Mr. Speaker, They saw him Qualified in the usual Manner.
The Gentleman took his Seat in the House.
The following Message;
By the Lower House of Assembly, March 24, 1760.
May it please your Honours,
This House hath appointed Mr. Dulany, Mr. Earle, Alexander
Williamson, Esq; Mr. Worthington, Mr. Hanson, Mr. Beall, and
Mr. Stoddert, a Committee from this House to inspect the Accounts
and Proceedings of the Commissioners or Trustees for emitting
Bills of Credit, established by Act of Assembly; and desire your
March 24
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