Read the first and second Time by especial order a Bill prepared
by this House Entituled An Act for dividing All Saints Parish in
Frederick County and for Erecting a Chappie of Ease there into a
Parish Church Passed and sent to the Lower House by Samuel
Chamberlaine Esq
The aforesaid Bill brought from the Lower House by Messrs
Dorsey and Cresap thus Endorsed
By the Lower House of Assembly 10th April 1760
Read the first and second Time by an especial order and will not
Signed p Order MMacnemara Cl Lo Ho
Adjourned till 3 of the Clock in the afternoon
Eodem Die Post Meridiem
This House met again according to Adjournment
Read the second time the Bill Entituled an Act for the ease of
the Land Holders within this Province and will pass with the follow-
ing amendments Viz.t instead of Philip Thomas and William Golds-
borough Esqr in the 4th line and 5th line of the 3d Page put Daniel
Dulany and Stephen Bordley in the 10th line of the same page
put one instead of two in the 15 line of the same page put six instead
of seven in the next line put Six instead of Seven in the 23d line of
the same page put six instead of seven in the Sixth line of the 4th
page put one instead of two in the Seventeenth line of the 5th page
put one instead of two in the 5th line of the Sixth page put two
instead of three
Signed p order J Ross Cl Up Ho
and was sent to the Lower House by Stephen Bordley Esq
The Governor Communicates to this House the following Message
with the address of the Lower House and their resolves
Gentlemen of the Upper House of Assembly
The Gentlemen of the Lower House having sent me a Copy of
some resolves which they thought proper to make on a full Con-
sideration of the Letters and opinion which I laid before you and
them at the Opening of this Session and also having informed me
by an address agreeable to those resolves that a Bill was Prepared
by them and sent to you for your Concurrence; but by your Return-
ing it with a Negative their endeavours to promote his Majestys
Service have been Frustrated I think it my Duty to Submit the
above mentioned Resolves and Address to your Perusal and Con-
Hor.o Sharpe
the 10th April 1760