After the word money in the preamble Add the following words
Viz.t and the regular payment thereof to Creditors and after the
word trade Add the following words Viz.t and Credit and strike
out the word is and insert are In the first Enacting Clause leave
out the Word Tobacco throughout and also leave out the following
words in the same Clause after the word whatever Viz.t than five
pounds of Tobacco for the forbearance or Interest of One hundred
Pounds of Tobacco for one whole year and so in proportion for a
greater or lesser Quantity or Time and also after the word Province
and before the word five in the said Clause insert the word than and
add between the word time and any in the said Clause the following
words Viz.t In case the said Interest shall be paid or Tendered by
the Debtor to the Creditor at the time and times when the payment
thereof shall be preserved by the Contract of the Parties In the
second Enacting Clause leave out the word Tobacco throughout,
and Also the following words Viz.t five pounds of Tobacco for
forbearance or Interest of One hundred Pounds of Tobacco and
leave out also the word respectively In the third Enacting Clause leave
out the word Tobacco throughout and also leave out the following
words Pounds of Tobacco for the Interest and forbearance of one
hundred Pounds of Tobacco or five Pounds leave out also the
word respectively in the said Clause. Leave out in the said Clause
the following words Viz.t One Moiety to the use of the Publick
School of the County where said Offence shall be committed the
other half to the Informer or him her or them who shall sue for
the same and insert the following words Viz.t To the Right honour-
able the Lord Proprietary his Heirs and Successors for the support
of Government Insert also after the Previso in the Bill the following
Provided also that in case any Person or Persons who shall be
chargeable with and liable to the Payment of an Interest not ex-
ceeding the rate settled and Limited by the Act aforesaid shall fail
or omit to Pay or Tender the paym.t of the Interest aforesaid
Annually then & in such case it shall and may be Lawfull for the
Creditor or person Entituled to the Interest as aforesaid to Take
demand and receive besides the Simple Interest an Additional Interest
on the Simple Interest at or after the aforesaid Rates of Five Per-
centum and the Security and Securitys by which the Debtor shall
be liable with the payment of the Principal Money & Simple Interest
shall be Deemed and taken as a Security and also for the Compound
Interest aforesaid to all intents and Purposes Whatsoever any
thing hereinbefore contained or any Law Statute usage or Custom
to the Contrary Notwithstanding
Leave out also the Continuing Clause
Signed p order J Ross Cl Up H