[The Opinion of his Majesty's Attorney General, Charles Pratt]
As to the Nomination of Commissioners by the Lower House
In my Opinion the Sole Nomination of these Commissioners, who
are new officers Appointed by this Bill belongs neither to the Pro-
prietary nor to the Lower House Stricto Jure; but like all other
new regulations must be Assented to by both, but can be claimed by
neither, the Proprietarys Charter intitles him to nominate all Con-
stitutional Officers, and all others which by the Laws are not other-
wise provided for but I do not Conceive my Lord has any Original
Right to nominate new Officers Appointed for the Execution of a
new Law without the Consent of the two Houses; nor on the other
hand have the Lower House any such independent Authority; and
therefore I think the Upper House are right notwithstanding this
claim in which they ought to be Supported by the proprietary,
because it is unreasonable for one Branch of the Legeslature to
Assume a Power of Taxing the Other by Officers of their Single
As to the Insufficiency of the allowance of the Commissioners of
the Loan Office
My Lord should not medelle with this question which is proper
to be discussed and settled by the two Houses as it Concerns only
the quantum of allowance for the Officers, and does not encroach
upon any of the Proprietarys Rights