Hope, however expressive of Zeal your Professions have been and
interesting the Occasion, that you will entertain any Disposition to
make Amends for your former Failures, and therefore as a Con-
tinuation of this Session would only augment the very unprofitable
and heavy Expence you have already imposed on your Constituents,
a Regard to their Ease has determined me, by and with the Advice
of his Lordship's Council of State, to put a Period to it, by Pro-
roguing this Assembly to Monday the Sixteenth of July next; and
you are to take Notice you are Prorogued to that Day accordingly.
So Endeth this Meeting in Assembly, this 17th Day of April, in
the Year one Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-nine.
Test. M. Macnemara, Cl. Lo. Ho.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 17