190 Assembly Proceedings, April 4-17, 1759.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 17
present the Petition and Representation that were at the same Time
transmitted, the first of which was addressed to the King's most
Excellent Majesty, and the other to the Right Honourable the Lords
Commissioners of Trade and Plantations. I am likewise commanded
by his Lordship to inform you, that, although the Lords of the Com-
mittee of his Majesty's Privy Council, to whom the said Petition
and Representation were referred, did not at that Juncture think it
advisable to permit Corn, &c. to be exported from this and other his
Majesty's Colonies in America, to the Madeiras, and to the Euro-
pean Dominions of Princess and States in Amity with his Majesty,
yet that he is not without Hopes of succeeding on another Applica-
tion, which he will not fail to make at a seasonable Time. And his
Lordship is farther pleased to order me to assure you, that, as he
used his utmost Endeavours on this Occasion to obtain the Comple-
tion of the Desires of his two Houses of Assembly, so he will
embrace every Opportunity to convince them, and all his good
Tenants, how much it is his Care and Study to promote their Pros-
perity and Happiness. Hor.o Sharpe.
17th of April, 1759.
p. 162
With a Report from the Lords of Trade and Plantations, and a
Letter from William Sharpe, Esq; to the Lord Baltimore ;
[These reports and letters are printed in full in the Upper House
Journal, pp. 154-157]
Which were severally Read, and Ordered to lie on the Table.
On Motion, the Question was put, That the following Question
be put, viz. That a Bill for Granting a Supply of 50,000 l. for his
Majesty's Service, and the more immediate Defence and Security of
the Frontier Inhabitants of this Province, and Emitting 40,000 l. in
Bills of Credit, and Raising a Fund for sinking and replacing the
Whole, by a Tax upon Land, a Tax upon all the taxable Inhabitants
of this Province, an additional Tax upon all Negro Taxables, a Tax
upon all Ferries and Pilots, to be licenced by Virtue of this Bill, an
additional Tax upon all Wheels, a Tax upon all Lucrative Offices,
Places of Profit, Benefices and Professions, a Tax upon all Clocks,
Watches, Saddle-Horses and Mares, and a Tax upon all Perukes.
Resolved in the Negative.
For the Affirmative,
C. Goldsborough,
B. Harris. [12]