Mr. Murdock, Mr. John Goldsborough, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Edward
Dorsey, Col. Tilghman, Mr. Lloyd, and Mr. Gassaway, a Committee
of Grievances and Courts of Justice.
Col. Cresap, Col. Scarborough, Capt. Dorsey, Capt. Deye, and
Capt. Baker, a Committee to enquire into the State and Condition
of the Arms and Ammunition, and Accounts relating thereto.
Mr. Dulany, Mr. Earle, Mr. Lloyd, Alexander Williamson, Esq;
Mr. Worthington, Mr. Hanson, and Mr. Plater, a Committee to
inspect the Accounts and Proceedings of the Commissioners or
Trustees for Emitting Bills of Credit, established by Act of Assembly.
Col. Tilghman, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Murdock, Mr. Ed-
ward Dorsey, Mr. Wilson, and Mr. Govane, a Committee to Inspect
into the several Public Offices, and Report to the House the State
and Condition thereof.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
Oct. 24
On Motion, Ordered, That his Excellency's Speech be again Read ;
which accordingly was.
Ordered, That an Address be prepared, to be presented to his
Excellency on his Speech; and that Mr. Edward Dorsey, Col. Tilgh-
man, Mr. Murdock, Mr. Lloyd, and Mr. Carroll, do prepare and
bring in the same.
A Petition of Henry Woodward, complaining of an undue Elec-
tion and Return, made by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of
Annapolis, of a Delegate for the said City, was preferred to this
House; and on Reading thereof, Ordered, That Doctor George
Steuart the Sitting Member, complained of in the said Petition, have
a Copy thereof on his Application to the Clerk of this House.
Ordered, That an Hearing on the Petition of Henry Woodward be
had at the Bar of this House on next Monday afternoon, being the
30th Instant.
Ordered, That Lists of the controverted Votes shall be mutually
exchanged between Henry Woodward, the Petitioner, and Doctor
George Steuart, on the Morrow, being the 25th Instant, by Twelve
of the Clock with the particular Objections, which they intent to
insist upon, set against the Name of each Person whose Vote they
intend to dispute; and that such Lists shall be respectively confined
to such Voters as were objected to at the Time of their giving their
respective Votes.
Mr. Goldsborough, from the Committee of Accounts, acquaints
Mr. Speaker, That that Committee had made Choice of Mr. Beale
Nicholson for a Clerk, and desires the Approbation of the House.
The House approves the Choice, and Ordered that he be Qualified
in the usual Form.
Mr. Goldsborough, from the Committee of Aggrievances and
Courts of Justice, acquaints Mr. Speaker, That that Committee had
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