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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 179   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 179

Mr. Gantt appeared in the House.
Col. Tilghman brings in and delivers to Mr. Speaker, the Ad-
dress to the Governor, Ingrossed; which was Read and Assented to,
and Signed, by Order of the House, by the Honourable Speaker.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 11

Ordered, That Mr. J. J. Mackall and Mr. Hanson do acquaint the
Governor, That this House hath prepared an Address, to be pre-
sented to him, and desires to know when and where he will receive it.
They return and acquaint Mr. Speaker, That the Governor signified
he would receive the Address in about Half an Hour's Time in the
Council Chamber.

Ordered, That Philip Hammond, Esq; with Five more, do present
the Address to the Governor, with the following Resolves, viz.t

Friday, 6th April, 1759.

Resolved, That this House will make Provision for Levying,
Cloathing, and Paying 1000 Men, to act in Conjunction with the
Forces under the Command of Brigadier General Stanwix, the en-
suing Campaign.

Resolved, That the Sum of £. 12 Bounty Money, be paid to each
able-bodied Man that shall be enlisted by any Officer, and shall pass
Muster, and serve under the Command of Brigadier General Stan-
wix; and 20 s. be paid to each Officer who shall enlist such able-
bodied Man.

Resolved, That 100 Men be raised, to act as Rangers, for the
Protection of the Inhabitants on the Western Frontier of this

Saturday, 7th April, 1759.

Resolved, That the Sum of £. 5 Bounty Money be paid, out of the
Supplies to be raised, to each able-bodied Man who shall voluntarily
enlist to act as a Ranger, for the Protection of the Inhabitants on
the Western Frontier of this Province.

p. 144

Resolved, That this House will, out of the first Supplies that shall
be granted for his Majesty's Service, appropriate a Sum sufficient
to repay the Money advanced last Year by General Forbes, for the
Pay, Victualling and Cloathing of the Troops, formerly in the Pay
of this Province, from the Time the Money granted for the Pay,
Subsistence and Cloathing of the said Men, was expended, till the
said Troops were taken into his Majesty's Service last Year by the
said General Forbes, so far as the same shall appear to this House
to be just and reasonable.

And it is further Resolved, That if it shall appear that General
Forbes has not paid all the Money that may be due for the Pay,
Victualling and Cloathing of the said Men, from the Time the
Money granted for that Purpose was expended, till the Time they

p. 145

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 179   View pdf image (33K)
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