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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 173   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 173

your Mother Country, for the powerful Succours which have been
sent hither, and supported at a vast Expence, for our Protection;
you will, I hope, at this Time, give a convincing Proof thereof by
your Actions, by pursuing different Measures from those which
you have for a long Time unhappily adhered to, notwithstanding
you must have been convinced they would never meet with the Con-
currence of another Branch of the Legislature.
But, Gentlemen, if after all, you shall, upon mature Deliberation,
Resolve that you will, on no Account whatever, adopt any of the
various Methods by which Supplies have been heretofore raised in
this Province, not propose or agree to any Supply-Bill, unless it be
exactly on the same Plan with those, or rather with that, which the
Gentlemen of the Upper-House have four Times refused to pass,
for many Reasons that have been signified to you; I have only to
desire that you will oblige me so far as to communicate to me without
Delay, such your Resolve, for this Reason, among others, that
General Amherst and Brigadier Stanwix may be immediately ad-
vised thereof, and take their Measures acordingly.

Hor.o Sharpe.
9th April, 1759.

L. H. J.
Liber No. 51
April 9
p. 139

And Letters from the Right Honourable Mr. Secretary Pitt,
General Amherst, and Brigadier Stanwix (Stanwix) in the follow-
ing words vizt; which said Letters were Read the first Time, and
Ordered to lie on the Table.
[These letters are printed in full in the Upper House Journal, pp.
On Motion, That a Clerk to a Committee from this House,
appointed to draw a Bill for the Advancement of Justice, and other
Purposes relative to the Public Business, be chosen, Mr. John Bald-
win was nominated, and the House approved of him :

pp. 130-134

Ordered, That he be Qualified in the usual Manner.
Mr. Key brings in, and delivers to the Clerk of the Honse, the
following Certificate, viz.
April 9, 1759.
Came John Baldwin before me the Subscriber, and took the
several Oaths to the Government appointed by Law, subscribed the
Oath of Abjuration, repeated and signed the Test, before me, and
took the following Oath, viz.

You John Baldwin do swear, That you will true Entries make of
all such Matters and Things as shall be to you directed by any Com-
mittee of the Lower House of Assembly, for whom you shall act
as Clerk, and that you will not divulge the Secrets of the said
House of Assembly, or of any Committee thereof; but will, in all
Things, well and truly demean yourself, according to the best of
your Knowledge.
Thomas Jennings.

p. 135

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 173   View pdf image (33K)
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