Which were severally read and Ordered to lie on the table.
Doctor George Steuart, a Delegate returned by the Mayor, Re-
corder and Aldermen of the City of Annapolis, to serve in the
General Assembly of this Province, appeared in the House.
Ordered, That Mr. Dulany and Mr. Worthington do go with
him to the Upper House, to see him Qualified. They return and
acquaint Mr. Speaker, They saw him Qualified in the usual Manner.
The Gentleman took his Seat in the House.
Resolved, That the Rules ordered to be observed by the several
Members of this House last Session, be observed as such during
this Session.
Resolved, That the Hours of Sitting this Session, for Dispatch
of Public Business, be from Eight of the Clock in the Morning
until Twelve, and from Two of the Clock Afternoon until Six.
Ordered, That Doctor Steuart do acquaint the Reverend Mr.
Clement Brooke, That he is requested by this House to Read Divine
Service daily, during this Session, at a Quarter before Eight of the
Clock in the Morning, and at Six of the Clock in the Evening.
Ordered, That his Excellency's Speech be again Read; which was
accordingly; and, Ordered, That an Address be prepared to the
Governor thereon; and that Mr. Charles Goldsborogh, Col. Tilgh-