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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 157   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 157

has no further Occasion of Supplies of Corn or other provisions from
the Colonies in North America that then they see no reason why his
Majesty may not permit the Inhabitants of the said Colonies to
Export their Corn and other Provisions to the Madeiras and to
the European Dominions of Princes and States in Amity with his
Majesty, and I am now to Inform your Lordship of the Committee

U. H. J.
Liber No. 35
April 17

of Council have met and taken the said Report into their Considera-
tion, and are of opinion, that it is not Adviseable to Permit Corn &c.a
to be exported from his Majestys Colonies in America to the Ma-
derias and to the European Dominions in Amity with his Majesty
at this Juncture and have therefore ordered, that the further Con-
sideration of the said Report should be Postponed to a future time
I am with great Respect, your Lordships
most Obedient Humble Servant

Adjourned till 3 of the Clock in the afternoon

Eodem Die Post Meridiem
This House met again According to Adjournment

Present as in the Morning.
A Bill from the Lower House by Mackall or Worthington
Entituled an Act to raise a Fund to be applied for the payment of
an agent for this Province thus Indorsed,
By the Lower House 16 April 1759.
Read the first time and ordered to ly on the Table,
Signed p Order MMacnemara Cl Lo Ho

By the Lower House 17 April 1759
Read the Second time and will pass,
Signed p order, MMacnemara Cl Lo Ho.

Read the first time in this House and will not Pass, and Sent by
Col. Goldsborough
Col.o Tasker and Benedict Calvert Esq. are sent to acquaint the
Speaker that his Excellency requires his immediate attendance with
the Lower House in the Upper House.
The Lower House Attend and his Excellency was Pleased to
Conclude this Covention with the following Speech.
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly
After the Resentment you have expressed at my endeavours to
remind you of, and Exhort you to, the Discharge of your Duty,
when you seemed to have lost sight of it in the too eager and un-
seasonable pursuit of other objects and after you have explicitly
resolved to admit of no Propositions to provide for his Majestys

p. 412

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 157   View pdf image (33K)
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