Adjourned till 3 of the Clock in the afternoon
Eodem Die Post Meridiem
This House met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning
His Excellency the Governor Communicates to this House the
following Letters Viz.t
Sir Whitehall 23th January 1759.
I am now to Acquaint you that the King has been pleased imme-
diately upon the receiving the Account of the Success of his arms
on the River Ohio to direct the Commander in Chief of his Majestys
Forces in North America and Brig. Gen Forbes to lose no time in
Concerting the Properest and Speediest Means for Compleatly Re-
storing if possible the Ruened Fort Duquesne to a Defensible and
respectable State or for erecting another in the room of it of Sufficient
Strength & every way Adequate to the Great Importance of the