Acts. 131
No. 5
An Act for destroying of Crows and Squirrels in particular Counties.
Liber H. S.
Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority
of the same, That so much of an Act of Assembly, made at a Session
of Assembly, begun and held at the City of Annapolis, the Third
Day of October, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-eight,
entituled, An Act to encourage the destroying of Wolves, Crows
and Squirrels, as relates to the Killing of Crows and Squirrels, so
far as the same relates to the several Counties of Saint Mary's,
Somerset, Charles, Anne-Arundel, Caecil, Calvert, Worcester, Prince-
George's, Baltimore, and Dorchester, be, and is hereby repealed,
abrogated, and made null and void.
p. 373
[Part of an
Act re-
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That from
and after the First Day of March, which shall be in the Year One
Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-nine, That every Master, Mis-
tress, Owner of a Family, or single Taxable in the several Counties
aforesaid, shall be, and are by this Act obliged, yearly, at some
Time before the laying their County Levy, to produce to some one
of the Magistrates of their County, Four Squirrels Scalps, or Crows
Heads, for every taxable Person they shall pay Levy for that Year,
and the several Magistrates, before whom such Squirrels Scalps,
or Crows Heads, shall be brought, shall burn, or cause to be burnt,
or otherwise destroyed, such Squirrels Scalps, or Crows Heads, that
shall be so produced to him or them, to prevent their being produced
a second Time, and give such Person a Certificate under his Hand,
certifying the Number of Squirrels Scalps, or Crows Heads, such
Person brought before him, which Certificate, the Person obtaining
the same, shall lay before the Justices of their County, at the Time
of laying their County Levy, and the Justices of the said Counties
severally shall then cause a List of Taxables of their County to be
laid before them, in Order from thence to compare the Number of
Taxables each Person pays in the County, with the Certificates pro-
duced, that thereby it may be found what Persons have complied
with this Act, and who failed therein.
[4 Squirrel
Scalps per
Taxable (or
Heads) to
be produced
and Burnt.]
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That every Person that shall fall short of producing a
Certificate of Squirrels Scalps, or Crows Heads, in Proportion to
their Taxables, according to the Directions and Exigence of this
Act, the Justices of the several and respective County Courts, wherein
such Person or Persons shall reside at the Time of laying the County
Levy, are hereby impowered and required for each Squirrel Scalp,
or Crows Head, such Person shall fall short in Manner aforesaid,
to levy upon such Person, the Sum of Two Pounds of Tobacco, to
be upon Execution, and collected by the Sheriff of the County, in the
[Or to be
Two Pounds
of Tobacco.]